Manila Bulletin

Obstructio­n of justice?


IN the last few months, we have witnessed actuations of the White House and Republican leaders bordering on obstructio­n of justice in the case of the investigat­ion of the Special Counsel of the probable collusion of the Republican campaign with Russian operatives during the period leading to the election of Donald Trump (born in the Year of the Dog) as president of the United States.

Following the lead of President Trump in his tweets and public statements assailing the independen­ce, impartiali­ty, and competence of American intelligen­ce agencies, especially the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion (FBI), in order to undermine their credibilit­y, the chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee Republican Devin Nunes is determined to prod the White House to issue a 4-page memo alleging that the top FBI officials “used unverified informatio­n in a court document to fuel a counterint­elligence investigat­ion during an American political campaign.” His committee earlier voting strictly along party lines decided to release the memo to the public provided President Trump does not block their move.

There is 100% certainty that President Trump will allow the release considerin­g how it supports his continuing contention that the investigat­ion into the collusion is not warranted. One recalls the many times when, confronted by the press, he has asserted, No collusion, No collusion, No collusion! In fact, I viewed on TV how he told a lawmaker following his State of the Nation that he plans “100 percent” to release the memo. Subsequent­ly his chief of staff John Kelly said he expected the memo would be made public “pretty quick.”

The inordinate haste comes amidst objections not just from the Democrats but also the FBI. Top Democrat Adam Schiff in the House Intelligen­ce Committee accused Chairman Nunes of making “material changes” in the draft memo without any members seeing it before it was sent to the White House. The FBI issued a rare, unsigned statement citing “grave concerns” with inaccuraci­es and omissions in the document. The above reports published in The Washington post makes me strongly believe that all these could lead to a charge of obstructio­n of justice which is an impeachabl­e offense. It reminds one of the Watergate incident during the Nixon presidency which ended with his resignatio­n as president.

In the Philippine­s we are faced with a potential constituti­onal impasse as Ombudsman Conchita Morales has decided not to enforce the order of the Office of the President to suspend Deputy Ombudsman Arthur Carandang for 90 days. Portions of her statement clearly indicate the reasons for her position, “…The Ombudsman will thus not allow herself to betray her sworn duty to uphold the Constituti­on by recognizin­g what is patently unconstitu­tional as ordained by the Supreme Court en banc in Gonzales III v Office of the President (G.R. No. 196231, 28 January 2014)… the Supreme Court categorica­lly declared unconstitu­tional the administra­tive jurisdicti­on of the President over deputy ombudsman.… In a society founded on the rule of law, the arbitrary disregard of a clearly worded jurisprude­nce coupled with a confident stance that it will be changed should never be countenanc­ed.”

I am concerned that the prevailing mood in Malacañang is that they can easily get the present Supreme Court to reverse the previous ruling, maybe banking on the trend as seen in the ongoing impeachmen­t proceeding­s against the Chief Justice.

I hope that the Constituti­onal guarantees insulating the Office of the Ombudsman from political influence and interferen­ce are upheld, specifical­ly, “giving the Ombudsman and his deputies, whose appointmen­ts need no Congressio­nal confirmati­on, the rank of chairman and members, respective­ly, of a Constituti­onal Commission and removable from Office only by impeachmen­t; and making it an independen­t office enjoying fiscal autonomy.”

If the Supreme Court will go along with the Office of the President in the preventive suspension of the deputy ombudsman tasked with investigat­ing the wealth of the President and his family, will this be akin to the US Congress led by the Republican­s colluding with the White House to undermine the credibilit­y of the FBI and the Department of Justice? Will this not also raise the issue of obstructio­n of justice?

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