Manila Bulletin




ARIES (March 21-April 20) – Avoid becoming too set in your habits; however old you are, always leave some room for new ways of doing things. Before abandoning your present methods, make sure the new ones work at least as well. Never be contented with half-measures, but do not aim unrealisti­cally high either. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) – It will be difficult for you to concentrat­e so use every ounce of willpower in order to do so. There is a tendency to try to be too clever when in fact events will show you were often hardly being clever enough. Do not postpone what has to be done; there will be no time later. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – It would do you good to have regular exercise and not pursued to the point where it becomes exhausting. Do not proceed on your own what you have agreed to do in collaborat­ion with others. Before you dictate to others what to do, make sure you have the authority to do so. CANCER (June 21-July 20) – If you are tired, as you may well be, the more you should take extra care about making a decision. If you are interrupte­d, do all you can to take things up where you left off. Time passes more quickly than you would wish so ensure you do not waste any of it. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) – You will tend to be a little nervous but if you try you will nonetheles­s be able to organize your time efficientl­y. See to it that the facts on which you base your actions are as up to date as possible. Try to see the funny side of things, but not to trivialize them. VIRGO (Aug 21-Sept. 22) – Remember that the best curative is preventive; eat sensibly, drink sparingly and do not expose yourself to infection. Do not permit yourself to succumb to a tendency to ascribe all mistakes to others; be prepared to do something about those that are due to you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – You are liable to spend more than you had intended; take care or you will have real problems later on. There is a tendency to choose the easiest way when in fact you should choose the right way. Energy will tend to be in short supply and you should beware of wasting any of it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – There is a tendency to be too emotional but you should try not to allow your emotions to rule your behavior entirely. Do all you can to increase harmony with your partner and her parents as well as with your children. Avoid asking for too much. Chances are you will be totally refused SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) – At all times and no matter how old you are, be prepared to learn something new. Remember that being interested in learning is an essential part of living to the fullest. You will be able to take positive steps towards the end at which you are aiming. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) – If you thing hard, you will find a way of giving yourself a treat while avoiding extravagan­ce. There is no time to waste but do not work so fast that you become slovenly. Spend a little more time before making up your mind and seek to consider all the alternativ­es. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) – Financial problems will always require your immediate attention; the longer you leave them the worse they will become. There will be some changes for the better. However, the will not be immediatel­y discernibl­e and it is up to you to make the most of them. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) – You will tend to be rather careless and should try to control yourself. Instead of being discontent­ed with what is your lot, consider how much worse off you could have been. Beware; you are liable to underestim­ate the real significan­ce of a rather unusual event.

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