Manila Bulletin

Working moms’ guide to posture care


Imagine the toll on your body after a long tiring day at work. Sitting on chairs for around 8-9 hours a day affects our lower back more than we can imagine. Yoga instructor Ivy Hapitan of Yoga Plus shares some tips on how to maintain good posture during the launch of BackJoy SitSmart Posture CORE.


If you like wearing heels to work, may it be stilettos or wedges, Hapitan advises to bring slippers so you can rest your feet at the office.

“Our feet kasi is our best foundation,” she explains. “They carry our entire body weight so if we don’t take care of them first, everything else upwards will feel disconnect­ed,”

She adds to prioritize resting the feet, saying that changes in the hips and spine will be felt almost instantly.

“Sometimes, you might want to sit forward a little,” she shares. “It will take about 2-3 days of adapting but after you go back to your old posture, you will feel fatigue na kaagad. So give it some time to adjust,”


Taking calming breaths also helps our posture since they expand the chest and lungs. The yoga instructor explains that our breaths can influence how our body feels and also our state of mind.

At the launch, guests were encouraged to try the BackJoy SitSmart Posture CORE while taking deep breaths. “What we feel in the body can be sometimes easily magnified,” she elaborates. “When your shoulders, including your chest and lungs, close in, it signals shortness of breath to your brain and your mind will interpret this as stress.”

Imagine the working wonders of doing something as simple as planting our feet on the ground and breathing calmly. Doing them seems like second-nature to us but they work magic on our backs. Visit for more details.

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 ??  ?? Using the BackJoy SitSmart Posture CORE helps in maintainin­g and improving the posture.
Using the BackJoy SitSmart Posture CORE helps in maintainin­g and improving the posture.

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