Manila Bulletin

Why Bettina Carlos treasures morning routine with daughter


Early mornings might be our busiest time of the day since we have to prepare our children for school and also fix up for work. But making breakfast for our kids and eating with them is a great way to start the day. In the recent event of Quaker Oats, Moms and Babies was able to have a chat with celebrity mom Bettina Carlos, who shared how she jumpstarts her mornings with her eight-year-old daughter Gummy.


When asked about her morning routine, Bettina shares that she wakes up early to pray. This is followed by preparing breakfast for her and Gummy. The hands-on mom stresses the importance of having a hearty meal in the morning.

“It’s very important for me talaga. That’s one of the reasons why I chose to homeschool my child because the traffic and all hinder me from preparing a nice breakfast for her. I want to serve my child a good and nutritious breakfast every morning.” Bettina said.

Their breakfast usually consists of eggs, which she finds to be nutritious for Gummy. Sometimes, her eightyear-old daughter would join her in the kitchen to help prepare the meal. In fact, Bettina considers cooking a fun bonding activity with her only child.

“It’s either I teach her or she just voluntaril­y comes out to dig in and help.” she said.

Afterwards, Bettina and Gummy would go on with their day by working out together. Though her daughter’s routine may not be as strenuous as hers, Bettina would give Gummy a simple one consisting of jumping jacks and burpees.

“It’s important for me that she knows the value of not just feeding her body with what it needs nutritiona­lly, but also being sustained and strengthen­ed physically.” she shared.


Bettina cherishes her morning routine with Gummy. The actress shared that her daughter would always call for her the moment she wakes up, and she would stop whatever she is doing and be with her.

“I think those few minutes of our day are precious because it’s important for her to know that I’m there and I know my child is not going to be look- ing for me for so long. So we both treasure that moment.” she said.

Just by looking at her Instagram posts is already enough for one to see how close Bettina is with her only child and how she prioritize­s her time with Gummy. When asked on her five tips on strengthen­ing a parent's bond with his/her child, the hands-on mom did not hold back on her words of wisdom:

1. Build a relationsh­ip with your child.

It’s easier to have rules and have your children obey them when you have their heart.

2. Be involved in what your kids are interested in.

A lot of parents think that letting their kids play on their own, even if they are there, is enough. But really, our kids just want us to enjoy the things that they like. They want to know that we want the same things.

3. You have to be firm with how you discipline and your rules.

Be also open to adjust as they age because it’s important. Your disciplina­ry action for your four-year-old may not be the same anymore for your eight-yearold.

“I think those few minutes of our day are precious because it’s important for her to know that I’m there and I know my child is not going to be looking for me for so long. So we both treasure that moment.”

So you also have to be flexible and understand­ing.

4. Listen. Kids will open up more to parents who listen to hear them out, not to say. Some moms usually listen to talk and not to understand. So listen.

5. Pray with your kids and pray for them.

It’s important that you build that habit of praying for and with each other so that as your child grows, he/ she knows how important it is to be praying for anything.

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 ??  ?? In the recent event of Quaker Oats, Bettina Carlos shares how she spends her mornings with her daughter Gummy and also some tips on how parents can strengthen their bond with their child.
In the recent event of Quaker Oats, Bettina Carlos shares how she spends her mornings with her daughter Gummy and also some tips on how parents can strengthen their bond with their child.

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