Manila Bulletin

Canada grants asylum to Filipina who sheltered Snowden in HK


MONTREAL (AFP) – Canada has granted asylum to a woman who helped Edward Snowden hide in Hong Kong after his leaks exposed US global surveillan­ce programs, a refugee rights associatio­n said Monday.

"Now me and Keana are permanent residents in Canada. Now we are safe and free. I'm so grateful," Vanessa Rodel, 42, told reporters at Toronto airport, accompanie­d by her sevenyear-old daughter Keana.

They are set to travel to Montreal, where they will settle as refugees sponsored by the non-government­al group For the Refugees.

Rodel was among a group of people who sheltered Snowden, a former CIA employee and US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, putting him up in her apartment in 2013 while he was in Hong Kong on the run from US authoritie­s.

His leaks of highly classified documents revealed the existence of global surveillan­ce pro-

grams run by the NSA in cooperatio­n with partners Australia, Britain and Canada.

Snowden, who now lives in Russia, was charged in June 2013 in the United States with espionage and stealing state secrets.

Canada granted Rodel, a Filipina and her daughter asylum in January but it was kept secret for security reasons, according to For the Refugees.

"Me and Keana can have a real life, a real future in Canada," Rodel told Radio-Canada by phone before she boarded a plane to Toronto. "I'm so happy."

In a tweet in French, Snowden gave "thanks to all who, in Canada and across the world, made this possible. After so many years, the first of the families who helped me is free, and has a future."

"But the work is not over. With solidarity and compassion, Canada can save all of them," he added.

Thank you, Canada

Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. thanked the Canadian government for the grant of asylum

“Thank you Canada, we owe you big time. Huge in fact – not just for her but for standing nearly alone on the planet as (the) last rampart of decency, the rarest quality in the relations of nations,” Locsin said in a tweet.

It was also reported that Rodel originally “fled sexual violence in the Philippine­s in 2002 and sought asylum in Hong Kong.”

While in Hong Kong in 2013, the report added that Rodel”s lawyer Robert Tibbo “asked if she might shelter an American in distress.” That American turned out to be Snowden.

Five other people who helped Snowden have also requested asylum but remain in Hong Kong awaiting a

response, according to the daily National Post.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declined to comment, saying it would be inappropri­ate to do so in "a situation regarding a specific case."

But Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland implicitly confirmed the report, telling reporters she had not personally intervened in the process.

Asked during a Washington visit whether the granting of asylum might harm US-Canadian relations, Freeland told reporters that Ottawa based its decision on case-by-case considerat­ions, not "geopolitic­al relations."

A spokespers­on for Canada's immigratio­n ministry also declined to comment except to say that in "exceptiona­l circumstan­ces" requests for asylum can be accelerate­d.

Radio Canada said Rodel was under pressure from Hong Kong authoritie­s and faced a risk of deportatio­n to the Philippine­s. (with a report from Roy C. Mabasa)

 ??  ?? KIND HEART – Lawyer Robert Tibbo greets Filipina Vanessa Rodel and her daughter Keana as the pair arrives at the Toronto airport March 25 in Canada where they have been granted asylum for helping Eric Snowden hide in Hong Kong after his leaks exposed US global surveillan­ce programs. Vanessa and Keana are scheduled to travel to Montreal where they will settle down. (AFP)
KIND HEART – Lawyer Robert Tibbo greets Filipina Vanessa Rodel and her daughter Keana as the pair arrives at the Toronto airport March 25 in Canada where they have been granted asylum for helping Eric Snowden hide in Hong Kong after his leaks exposed US global surveillan­ce programs. Vanessa and Keana are scheduled to travel to Montreal where they will settle down. (AFP)

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