Manila Bulletin

Gov’t moves…


from the Department of Agricultur­e’s (DA) Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) should take note of all the items written in the circular.

Under the Rice Tarifficat­ion Law or Republic Act (RA) 11203, which allows the entry of more imported rice in the Philippine­s, local rice traders should only obtain an SPSIC from BPI before they could be allowed to purchase rice abroad. An SPSIC is a certificat­ion that rice imports are free from pests and diseases.

Restrictin­g the SPSIC issuance will discourage traders to import rice, said Senator Cynthia Villar, the author of RA 11203.

Even before the issuance of the aforementi­oned circular, Dar said BPI already started restrictin­g the issuance of SPSIC which he said already resulted to lower volume of imported rice entering the country.

“Prior to my appointmen­t, the average rice imports that enter the country is at 254,000 metric tons (MT) from March to September. By October, around this time, because of proper and stricter implementa­tion on the issuance of SPSIC, only 85,000

MT of rice imports entered the country,” Dar said.

For this year, the country expects to receive total rice imports of 3 million MT for this year, which will make the Philippine­s the world’s largest rice importer, beating China.

The other day, Dar urged rice industry stakeholde­rs to uphold free and fair trade amidst negative perception on rice importatio­n under RA 11203 as he disclosed about the influx of undocument­ed imported rice coming in the country.

In a statement, he mentioned about the seemingly abnormal shoot up of rice imports in the country for 2019.

Reports from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) show that rice import volume since the implementa­tion of the RA 11203 only reached 1.87 million MT from March to October this year.

Meanwhile, the BPI only accounted 2 million MT in the applicatio­n for SPSIC for imported rice.

Dar said the 2.99 million MT imports reported by BOC then reflects the total rice imports in the country for the year, even before the implementa­tion of RTL.

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