Manila Bulletin

To build or not to build — that is no longer the question!


Iwas in Siem Reap last week to speak on the Asian experience with capital flows during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98 and the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-09. The National Bank of Cambodia hosted the seminar organized by the South-East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Center (SEACEN) and the Asian Developmen­t Bank (ADB). My very good friend Deputy Governor Chantana encouraged me to do some tourism before my flight.

I was brought to Angkor Wat and quickly to the Bayon Temple. The first is a marvel of ancient art and engineerin­g. It is a masterpiec­e of strength, symmetry, and sheer size comprising around 208 hectares surrounded by a moat and a manmade lake.

Why was it built?

People argue that it was built in the second half of the 12th century for worshippin­g the Hindu god Vishnu. Some 200 years later, it was converted into a Buddhist temple. It also served as a funerary temple for one of the kings of the Khmer empire based on the bas reliefs showing the order of the Hindu funeral ritual. One can only imagine the cost of this colossal project that took more than 30 years to build. An estimated 5-10 million sandstone blocks cut from Mount Kulen not far away from the temple were used.

Angkor Wat is undisputed­ly the largest pre-industrial city in the world.

Bayon Temple is not too far from Angkor Wat. It is a state temple for one of the most famous kings of the Khmer empire. It is mind boggling, etched with more than 200 big smiling faces of Avalokites­hvara, a bodhisattv­a who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. Like its bigger counterpar­t, Bayon Temple is distinguis­hed by 1.2 kilometers of amazing bas reliefs of more than 11 thousand figures.

Indeed, the ancient civilizati­ons treasured gods and kings so much that vast resources including labor were sequestere­d to build such architectu­ral icons. The motivation­s for these ancient infrastruc­tures are difficult to understand given today’s context.

Built as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Pharoah Khufu, the Great Pyramid of Giza took all of 20 years to build using slave labor. The Parthenon of Greece was constructe­d as a temple for the Greek goddess Athena. The ivory white marble Taj Mahal of Agra, India, was also meant for a burial place, first for the wife of, and later, for the Mughal emperor himself. In today’s dollars and cents, it is estimated to cost over $800 million!

One can argue that there was more functional­ity in the case of the Great Wall of China. It was the Ming Dynasty that systematiz­ed the building of these defensive walls through collateral towers and troop barracks against various nomadic groups and various territorie­s of the empire. Beyond that, the Great Wall enabled border controls, allowed the regulation of both trade, including the imposition of duties on goods along the Silk Road, and people migration.

Rome’s Colosseum of the Flavian Dynasty of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian was constructe­d as an amphitheat­er. It was the largest at the time, able to accommodat­e an audience of more than 50,000. It hosted gladiatori­al fights, mock sea battles, executions of Christians and reenactmen­ts of famous battles and dramas based on ancient mythology. The Colosseum later served as a housing facility, a workshop and quarry.

Peru’s Machu Picchu was intended as a royal estate with more than 700 people. Its man-made terraces allowed agricultur­e to flourish. The terraces ensured good drainage, and secured the soil from erosion and landslides with some success.

The Philippine­s’ own heritage sites — the Rice Terraces of Ifugao in Banaue, Bangaan, Hungduan, Kiangan, and Mayoyao, were for agricultur­e.

Today’s public servants have a lot to learn from our ancestors. The rice terraces complex of stone and mud walls have terraced pond fields and sophistica­ted irrigation systems supported by water from the forests of the mountainto­ps. While there were some religious rituals involved, the rice terraces invariably illustrate the Filipinos’ capacity for understand­ing lunar cycles, zoning and planning, soil conservati­on, and even pest control.

No doubt, these early forms of social infrastruc­ture were mainly for satisfying a predilecti­on for perpetuati­ng personal glory, expressing deep love for a spouse, and worship of the gods.

For the God of Israel, Solomon’s temple was said to have been constructe­d at the edge of Jerusalem, between the Temple Mount, and the ancient city of David. It is now reported to be a modern-day Arab neighborho­od of Silwan. Building of the temple was mandated to Solomon, instead of to his father David, who first purposed it in his heart to build a monument for God’s glory. Biblical accounts allow us to imagine its grandeur and beauty with gold and the cedars of Lebanon used in its posts, beams, and walls.

In our modern times, grandiose architectu­ral projects are driven more by practical necessity and the demands of industry, commerce, and governance.

“Build, Build, Build,” more than just words or a battlecry, is an urgent pursuit given decades of infrastruc­ture torpor and indolence.

In my previous columns, I stressed that the Philippine­s continues to face a very enormous infrastruc­ture gap. We lag behind other major ASEAN economies by at least 20 years. I dare say that our decades of preoccupat­ion with political issues such as governance, pork barrel, suitable appointmen­ts, and corruption distracted us from developing suitable infrastruc­ture for our people.

It is good the current leadership decided to go big on infra under the Triple-B mantra. If we are to avoid the middleinco­me trap of poor and aging infrastruc­ture as well as an aging population, we should pursue, by all means, the advancemen­t of both hard and soft infrastruc­tures.

The Triple-B program would cost us around R8 trillion under five categories of infrastruc­ture: transport and mobility, power, water, informatio­n and communicat­ions technology and urban developmen­t and renewal. There are 100 projects involved, 35 of which are already works in progress. Some 32 projects are expected to be launched in the next 6-8 months while 21 are about to be cleared and approved. The idea is to have the 100 projects started between now and 2022 with 38 expected to be completed and 22 partially operationa­l. Some 40 projects are expected to be carried over to the next government in 2022. So much more without doubt needs to be done.

The Philippine­s is a veritable country of more than 7,100 islands that need to be linked via bridges and tunnels, seaports and airports. Connectivi­ty has to be establishe­d also on the digital platform. The challenge is just too big to establish order in urban planning and city formations. Without this infra support, the government cannot put up a decent form of governance and promote public welfare. The private sector will find it impossible to consider the Philippine­s worth looking at and investing in.

Everyone should remember that cement needs to dry. Metals and steels have to be welded together. Glass has to be formed and framed. If funeral structures were built in decades, it would be foolhardy for anyone to expect the Duterte administra­tion to turn even Metro Manila, or Metro Cebu and Metro Davao into New York, Tokyo, Beijing, or Paris.

Rome itself was not built in a day.

The critical issue is cost and the quality of the infrastruc­ture. All of those 100 projects make sense to lay down on the ground. They are not tombs, they are for the living. It is imperative to pursue them today. Better still, it would have made better sense if they were considered and launched some decades ago.

Bangok in the 1970’s was a burden for me to visit. Manila was more attractive to me then. Bangkok was dusty, there was so much constructi­on and movement of steel and cement. A few years later, I realized Thailand took the correct strategic route. It started on its own version of Triple B more than 40 years ago. Today, Bangkok is so much ahead of Manila which has barely began on its infra journey.

Our best wishes.

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