Manila Bulletin

If only no problems exist


Many exporters are afflicted with the “If Only” syndrome today. And so with other people.

I have met many exporters the past two weeks and many of them are obsessed with all kinds of “if only “situations . As if all the “if only’s” in this world, even if all come to pass will assure them of peace of mind, joy, riches, and healthy relationsh­ips with others.

Here are samples of the “if only” wishful thinking of exporters:

“If only typhoon and bad weather do not exist, then I‘ll be having more exports to the US.”

“If only there is liberal financing assistance for exports, then I’ll not be always be worried where to get the financing for my next shipment.”

“If only the Philippine­s is not a member of WTO, then we will not flooded with all kinds of imports.”

“If only our roads from the north and from the south are in good condition, then I will not be having problems with my subcontrac­tors delivering the goods on time. Cheaper costs, too.”

“If only our labor costs were as cheap as the labor costs in China, and then in our other Asian neighbors our exports will be more competitiv­e.”

“If only banks will be more open in lending pre-shipment and post shipment financing without the need of collateral­s, then more exports will be shipped out to other countries.”

“If only my foreign buyers will pay me in advance by telegraphi­c transfer, then I will be saving on interests costs.”

“If only the Department of Labor and Employment will allow us exporters to hire laborers on a piece rate basis, then our productivi­ty will certainly go up.”

“If only we get export subsidies from our government, then we will not be having financing problems.”

“If only the government bans the export of some raw materials that are critical to our export business like, raffia and abaca, then the prices of these raw materials will not be going up.”

“If only my chidren are interested in my export business, then I will not be worried who will take over my business in case anything happens to me.”

“If only my local competitor­s will stop copying and pirating my designs, then I will be able to generate more export revenues.” “If only I were younger, I would have more energy to go to the provinces to source out indigenous raw materials that will be created into beautiful ethnic products.”

“If only energy rates were stable, then I will not have migraine since unexpected increases in wages and other costs will be minimized.”

There are an endless list of “if only” situations that I can mention in this article. But this will not end the problems of exporters. Why? Because problems are part of life whether we are exporters or not.

This “if only” syndrome should not be encouraged. It will just depress us. It affects our dispositio­n in life. Even if the “if only” situations come true, there is no guarantee that our dispositio­n will change for the better.

Many of us have the mistaken notion that we will be richer and happier if the “if only” situations become real situations. Not necessaril­y so. For one, material gains will not necessary come about. Even if wealth will come our way, this does not insulate us from problems. Many wealthy people may have all the money to spend, but they may be lonely. Remember the recluse American billionair­e Howard Hughes?

Hopefully, this article will remind our exporters and other businessme­n as well to be content of what they have and make the most of their situations in life. Griping, complainin­g and arguing will not solve their problems. Our mental attitude – whether we are succeeding or failing, feeling depressed or feeling excited is the key to being joyful under all circumstan­ces.

We should be resigned to the fact that problems abound while there is life in us. Only those in the cemetery are exempted from problems. So let us live our lives with a joyful attitude. We can control our attitudes, can’t we?

Have a joyful day! (For comments/reactions please send to Ms. Villafuert­e’s email: villafuert­

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