The Manila Times

PDU30 must rethink some of his SONA statements


THIS seems to have become necessary following the to respond to the unilateral ceasefire he had declared in his State of the Nation Address his courage for that declaratio­n, but his decision to lift the ceasefire following the NPA ambush in Davao del Norte, in which one government militiaman was killed and four others were wounded, and the communists’ failure to respond to his ultimatum, has won him even more praise.

What happens now to the peace talks with the communists is not clear. Even less clear is what hap to form a coalition government with the Left. At least three sea to be among the more competent ones who seem to have the ear of

Shaken confidence

- - - from others. He has not become has in this case.

Because his popularity is report people think that you’ve got to This, I believe, is utter nonsense; it especially the most important way mistakes like the unilateral

Many good things, and some not so

there were a few others, which we

particular­ly if he supports this - campaign. But his most zealous comfort zone of those who will insulate him from such criticism

Unity government?

- out an opposition, not even the quasi-opposition in the House of have the courage to call itself by - spinoff from Jacob Leib Talmon’s the citizens retain the right to vote but not the right to participat­e in

- action is the work of one man -

the beginning of his term; the sena themselves at his feet, without any vermin from the Titanic, they all occupants.

his critics. He obviously believes with John Stuart Mill that, “If all -

An ocean of overpraise

election critics have since reinvent pounce on any source of criticism in a turbulent ocean of overpraise.

- mechanical­ly, as though it were a

him from seeing his mistakes. Where no responsibl­e opposition or legitimate critics exist, his own his mistakes.

Learning from Paul

- - the Faith.

task of preaching the gospel to the certain men (Jews) from James circumcisi­on group. The other Jews by their hypocrisy even Barnabas

Paul then says to Peter: “If you, though a Jew, are living like a

Preserving unity

Paul; to the contrary, it unites the human respect but solely in the ser so much praise from the Fathers of silence, in humble acceptance of Paul’s fraternal correction, has

St. Augustine, “St. Peter himself gave the example to those who govern so that if sometimes they stray from the - rection as unworthy even if it comes

the humility of Peter, we must now

On the separation of Church and State

for the principle of separation of

Now, some politician will say, - lies to have more than two chil is the State, which has no business telling families how to procreate.

- nate mistake. He says, “The implementa­tion of the Responsibl­e Health Law must be put into full especially the poor, will have free -

Population control is anathema

This law seeks to implement population control, which violates both - ruling, which says the law is “not constituti­onally wrong; it is also economical­ly wrong. No more Singapore to Japan to South economic prosperity on the other population­s.

the nation’s economic growth, but population control is not one - - where else. If they really believe in size of the population.

The rush to federalism

- the Social Democratic Party plat believers.

An elementary objection

- became their unifying principle. unions began as a unitary state like themselves into autonomous or trigger balkanizat­ion of a previ

- sion in my next column. But we where he has no role at all. He has - ing. Namely, that constituti­onal change is solely the business of it whatsoever.

It is not too early nor too late error.

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