The Manila Times

UK to seek ‘unique’ deal to leave EU


LONDON: Britain will seek a “unique” deal on leaving the European Union (EU), Prime Minister Theresa May’s Downing Street office said on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila), talks since the summer break.

The government wants to control immigratio­n from the EU while retaining strong trading ties, despite warnings from other nations that single market access is incompatib­le with limits on the free movement of people.

Britain voted to leave the EU in a June referendum, prompting the resignatio­n of May’s predecesso­r David Cameron, who led the campaign to remain in the 28-nation bloc.

While May herself also favored staying in, she has since insisted that

“Several Cabinet members made it clear that we are leaving the EU but not leaving Europe, with a decisive view that the model we are seeking is one unique to the United Kingdom and not an off the shelf solution,” a Downing Street statement said after the cabinet meeting at Chequers, the premier’s country house northwest of London.

“This must mean controls on the numbers of people who come to Britain from Europe but also a positive outcome for those who wish to trade goods and services,” the statement added.

Finance minister Philip Hammond reportedly favors retaining access to the single market on a sector-by-sector basis, while other senior ministers who campaigned

No Article 50 vote

There is also confusion over the responsibi­lities of different government department­s in any negotiatio­ns with Brussels, particular­ly between the foreign, internatio­nal trade

May has appointed a trio of anti- EU ministers to the most including Boris Johnson as foreign minister.

However, she will not trigger Article 50 -- the formal process for leaving despite pressure from other European nations to move faster.

The statement following the meeting made clear that it was the government’s decision “on when to trigger Article 50”, adding there was “no need” for a parliament­ary vote on the issue.

May’s spokesman had already confirmed there would be no second referendum or snap general election, despite the hopes of some “Remain” campaigner­s that the process of leaving the EU could be stalled.

to ramp up across Whitehall as parliament reconvenes after the summer recess on Monday.

Civil servants are still being re do the groundwork for withdrawal.

Cameron banned key government department­s from making described as “gross negligence” by senior members of parliament.

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