The Manila Times

Switching gears is common regional practice?


WE discussed briefly Thailand’s gingerly balancing act in its strategic and diplomatic approaches in the Southeast Asian and wider contexts. Indeed, what Thailand has thus been what many other Southeast Asian countries have been pragmatica­lly exercising throughout the centuries as well, being geographic­ally crucial to the world’s major trade routes, hence attracting the attention and “interests” of the various major powers of the world.

Seen in this light, President Duterte’s recent “re-pivot” to China, at least economical­ly, and thus the correspond­ing distancing away from American tutelage, as abundantly expressed during his recent state visit to China, is not quite surprising to many Southeast Asian observers. After all, let’s not forget, as was mentioned, that a shrewd Thailand more than a century and a half ago, when “squeezed” by the British and French colonial powers from its western and eastern borders respective­ly, chose to pattern itself socio-economical­ly after the British (thus ostensibly moving away from French Japanese Imperial Army (apparently many decades later during the Second World War as the latter swooped down to invade British Malaya.

Southeast Asian leaders perforce have to act in what they perceive to be in their nation’s best interest, at least for the moment, if long-term prospects remain unclear. The strategic rivalry between the US and China is tangibly real for the moment, but indeed for the moment only. For many years in modern times, especially after President Nixon’s historic visit to Beijing in the early 1970s, US and China enjoyed a long stretch of honeymoon ties, enabling China to focus on developing its humongous economy on the one hand, and allowing the US to focus on bringing down the former Soviet Union. It is only in the most recent years that the seemingly inevitable rise of China was perceived to be threatenin­g the American hegemony at least in the world. And even now, the SinoAmeric­an trade volume remains the largest in the world. In short, friendship­s or rivalries are not permanent, but interests, and hopefully national interests, are here to stay. What President Duterte has been doing diplomatic­ally over the past few months, despite being expressed perhaps a bit too vehemently and colorfully, is not much different from what many other Southeast Asian countries have been doing, albeit more quietly and perhaps in less colorful terms.

Over the last two decades, for example, while trying not to upset their existing deep ties with the US, many Southeast Asian countries, prominentl­y Thailand and Malaysia, have been steadily increasing their trade volume with China, in clear view of the latter’s seemingly inexhausti­ble economic muscle versus the US’ perceived declining economic performanc­e. The China-Malaysian annual trade volume, for example, is not only the largest among Southeast Asian countries; it is also twice the size of Sino-Russian annual trade volume, despite the latter two being superpower­s of the world. So if President Duterte sees his administra­tion’s priorities as reviving the Filipino economy and revving up its aging and often lacking critical infrastruc­ture, and that in his opinion China is for the moment the most feasible foreign partner to be invited to ameliorate these urgent situations, then he is actually in the same league with many other Southeast Asian leaders, who perhaps choose to remain more reticent but working closely with Chinese investors on the ground nonetheles­s.

And even strategica­lly, some Southeast Asian countries have long away from their traditiona­l, albeit ideologica­lly similar major suppliers. Malaysia has purchased French- and even Russian-made military equipment in the past. Vietnam has also in recent months decided to take on equipment from its erstwhile enemy during its war of liberation – the US. So even if President Duterte’s reported decision to purchase weapons from China as well comes to fruition, it is again in line with other Southeast Asian practices dating back to at least the 1990s. In these sorts of conceivabl­y paradigm-shifting weapons-purchase decisions, compatibil­ity with existing weapons system to ensure smooth operabilit­y in times of crisis is of course critical, but so, frankly, is the tacky issue of pricing and terms, which many developing countries with competing basic national priorities simply could not ignore.

Observers from outside Southeast Asia, including those from both the US and China, are undeniably often aghast at the swift shift in the Filipino diplomatic positions from that of almost-unconditio­nal leaning toward the US under former President Aquino to now seemingly cosying up to China under President Duterte. The examples of many other Southeast Asian countries having doing similar “tapdancing” acts in recent times are actually abundant, with only several more illustrati­ve examples hinted above, albeit in less publicly expressive manners. This, alas, govern at least competentl­y often means having to ride the amorphous “tides,” and sometimes even jumping from one subsiding tide to another cresting one.

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