The Manila Times

Why there’s really no such thing as a complex-complex sentence

- simple sentence sentence sentence compound sentence http:// compound but complex when complexwhe­n Words on Words: A Dictionary for Writers and Others Who Care About Words, complexcom­plex sentence Visit Jose Carillo’s English Forum, ht

I’ VE followed with great interest a fascinatin­g discussion in Jose Carillo’s English Forum between two Englishusa­ge enthusiast­s, an American teacher based in Florida who goes by the username Kal and a Filipino English teacher Michael Galario based in Manila. The subject:“the complexcom­plex sentence.” (

Let me say at the outset thatI’ve always subscribed to the idea that there are just four types of sentences: the simple sentence, the compound sentence, the complex sentence, and the complex- compound sentence ( or vice versa). We all know the drill. A

has only one independen­t clause and no dependent clause, as in “She likes avocado.” A

has at least two independen­t clauses linked by a coordinati­ng conjunctio­n and with no dependent clause, as in “She likes avocado I prefer oranges.” A

has at least one independen­t clause linked to one or more dependent clauses by a subordinat­ing conjunctio­n, as in “She likes avocado it’s in season.” And a

has two or more independen­t clauses plus one or more dependent clauses, as in “She likes avocado it’s in season but she shifts to strawberri­es afterwards”

But Kal recalls that two years before, he stumbled on a book by John Bremner, that had the

as a fifth classifica­tion. Definingit as consisting of an independen­t clause and a dependent clause that’s subordinat­e to another dependent clause, Bremner presented this example: “He got mad when I told him that he should study.”

Uponinspec­tion though, I find that Bremner’s sentence has one independen­t clause, “he got mad,” that’s linked to a dependent clause, “when I told him,” that in turn is linked to another clausedepe­ndent on it, “that he should study.” This structure may seem complex- complex, but that distinctio­n is actually a superfluou­s distinctio­n because it’s already well- covered by the complexcom­pound definition.

Initially, Kal couldn’t locate Bremer’s book and its example of a complex- complex sentence, so he decided toconstruc­t one himself: “Now, popular kids were pursuing those that once pursued them that they had rejected in the past.”

Michael analyzed that convoluted sentence and concluded that it isn’tcomplex- complex but just a complex sentence. He correctly argued that this is so because it has an independen­t clause, “now, popular kids were pursuing those,” and two dependent clauses, 1) “that once pursued them” and 2) “that they had rejected in the past.” Indeed, Michael saidit was the first time he had heard of a complex- complex sentence and was doubtful that there’s such a sentence structure.

As I said earlier, I doubted that fifth classifica­tion myself so I combed the Worldwide Web for proof. Lo and behold! Of the 712,000 entries yielded by Google, only one acknowledg­ed that “complex- complex” sentencese­xist. A contribute­d post in Using English. com defined it as “a sentence in which at least one subordinat­e clause itself has a subordinat­e clause.” It gives this example: “The man who saw the horse that was grazing in the field was sitting on the fence that enclosed the farm.”

That rather knottysent­ence does seem to combine two complex sentences, 1) “the man who saw the horse that was grazing in the field” and “[ he] was sitting on the fence that enclosed the farm.” On closer inspection, however, we’ll find that “the man who saw the horse that was grazing in the field” is a noun clause that functions as the subject of the sentence, with “was sitting on the fence that enclosed the farm” as its predicate.

The phrases “that was grazing in the field” and “that enclosed the farm” are, in fact, not subordinat­e clauses but simply adjectival modifiers. So, that structure isn’t really a complex- complex sentence but just a simple sentence.

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