The Manila Times

Quezon City shares best practices on disaster management


Representa­tives ACDM check the state- of-the-art equipment acquired by the Quezon City government for disaster management and rescue operations during a visit at the QC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office. THE Quezon City Risk Reduc group of emergency management countries who are in the country to learn best practices in disaster preparedne­ss and response.

Marasigan welcomed the delega Disaster Management composed of representa­tives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, some of Quezon City’s best practices on disaster assessment and response.

QC under the administra­tion of Mayor Herbert Bautista gave priority to public safety and disaster preparedne­ss and has invested P300 million since 2010.

The city’s investment has included the constructi­on of DRRM emergency operations center to improve response times of disasters and calamities.

is one of the country’s most modern command center designed to moni cameras within QC and it also has modern communicat­ion equipment and integrated video wall.

Last year, President Rodrigo Duterte Nations to help each other in times of calamities.

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