The Manila Times

Trump mulls new US strategy in Afghanista­n


HAGERSTOWN, United States: US President Donald Trump assembled his national security team at the Camp David presidenti­al retreat Friday to forge a way ahead in Afghanista­n, almost 16 years after the war began.

Trump must decide if he wants to continue on the current course, which relies on a relatively small US-led NATO force to help Afghan partners push back the Taliban, or try a new tack such as adding more forces—or even withdrawin­g altogether.

The White House released a statement Friday afternoon saying Trump had been briefed by his national security team on “a new strategy to protect America’s interests in South Asia”—indicating that no decision had yet been reached.

“The president is studying and considerin­g his options and will make an announceme­nt to the American people, to our allies and partners, and to the world at the appropriat­e time,” press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis had initially promised to provide a new plan for Afghanista­n by mid-July.

But Trump appears dissatisfi­ed by initial proposals to add a few thousand more troops, and the strategy has been expanded to include the broader South Asia region, notably Pakistan.

We are “coming very close to a decision, and I anticipate it in the very near future,” Mattis told reporters Thursday.

Trump’s generals have called the Afghan conflict a stalemate, and even after years of intensive help from NATO, Afghanista­n’s security forces still are struggling to hold back an emboldened Taliban.

In an early move to address the situation, Trump gave Mattis broad powers to set troop numbers in Afghanista­n and elsewhere.

But several months later, the level remains stuck at about 8,400 US and about 5,000 NATO troops.

Meanwhile the situation is as deadly as ever, with more than 2,500 Afghan police and troops killed between January 1 and May 8, continuing a deadly trend from previous years.

The Taliban published an open letter to Trump this week warning him against sending more US troops and calling for the complete withdrawal of foreign forces.

“Previous experience­s have shown that sending more troops to Afghanista­n will not result in anything other than further destructio­n of American military and economic might,” the letter stated.

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