The Manila Times

Fab at 40? Macron on the rise as he celebrates birthday


market reforms.

Meanwhile, France is showing its strongest economic growth in years and the wider European area is pulling out of its stagnation since the 2008- 2009 financial crisis.

But analysts and observers see at least three other reasons for the Macron recovery which reveal more about the sort of president the French elected when they voted for the little-known former economy minister in May.

France in love again?

First, he is seen as pushing through his domestic campaign pledges methodical­ly, including the landmark changes to labor law in September and a shakeup of unemployme­nt benefits and adult profession­al training next year.

“People recognize that he is someone who keeps his promises,” said Chloe Morin, an expert on public opinion at the leftleanin­g Jean-Jaures Foundation. “That’s important.”

Second, he appears to have learned from some of his early missteps.

He started out promising to be what he termed a “Jupiter-like” president, fashioned on the Roman god of the sky, who would stay above the fray of daily politics and give few media interviews.

After criticism that he was aloof and copying the style of France’s past monarchs, he has reversed course and is now the sort of everpresen­t leader the French have grown accustomed to.

“I listen to the various viewpoints, the opposition and the political debate,” he said in an interview with France 2 television broadcast on Sunday.

Third, Macron has seized an opportunit­y to shine on the internatio­nal stage offered by the isolationi­sm of the United States under Donald Trump and Britain’s retreat after its Brexit vote.

In the last few weeks, Macron played a leading role in resolving a political crisis in Lebanon, completed a major tour of west Africa and hosted 50 world leaders for a global climate change summit.

That has helped project an image of France as a global power again, something Macron sees as the country’s destiny as a cradle of Western democracy and human rights.

“French people are starting to love France again,” Perrineau said. “That’s something you see in all of the surveys... France is back at the forefront on the internatio­nal and European stages.”


Despite Macron’s recovery, vulnerabil­ities remain.

“When there are problems, they often come from him, his attitude or clumsy statements,” Morin said.

Macron, a former investment banker, has been repeatedly targeted by his opponents for being elitist and patronizin­g towards France’s working class.

He has called strikers “slackers” and has been dubbed “the president of the rich,” and his decision to hold a family birthday party in the grounds of a sprawling Loire chateau last weekend touched off criticism.

Furthermor­e, his agenda for overhaulin­g the European Union is stalled because of political deadlock in Germany, while his centrist Republic on the Move party and many of his government ministers are struggling to assert themselves.

A new round of domestic reforms, including sensitive changes see strikers back in the street early next year for another round of protests that his opponents will hope to capitalize on.

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