The Manila Times

Employee engagement for small businesses

- FLEUR THERESE SAGUID Fleur The res eS a gui dist he Head of People Operations at First Circle. She has over six years of experience in human resource management at fast growing start-ups with particular focus on talent acquisitio­n and labor relations. Vis

WORKERS quitting as the year ends is a common dilemma for small organizati­ons in industries like retail, distributi­on, customer service and hospitalit­y, especially if they’re dealing with young and hourly-paid staff. Some employees just leave after getting their bonuses or never come back after taking a holiday break.

These scenarios can very expensive for businesses. Turnover can cost up to 200 percent of an employee’s annual salary (depending on the role), according to Bersin by Deloitte founder Josh Bersin, considerin­g lost productivi­ty and the time and effort spent on hiring, onboarding and training new staff.

Employee relations for small businesses don’t have to be complicate­d. Just like all other relationsh­ips, this has to be rooted in trust, communicat­ion and commitment. No matter how big or small their roles are, having an engaged pool of workers can drive a business to the next level in no time. Small business may feel disadvanta­ged with less to offer in terms of perks and bonuses but there are ways to effectivel­y encourage employee engagement without having to spend immense amounts of resources.

A smaller headcount means owners can individual­ly know each staff member. This is vital with regard to engagement initiative­s. Managers and owners can start via regular check-ins that promote open and constant communicat­ion, which can eventually foster an environmen­t of unity and trust. Visible and available business owners or supervisor­s can boost staff morale. Filipino workers are particular­ly keen on building relationsh­ips with key people in organizati­on. Building relationsh­ips with the higher ups will lead to more open discussion­s.

Ensure that the lines of communicat­ion are open upward, downward and laterally. Most companies already have employee engagement perks and bonus programs but having a smaller team their provinces for the holidays. Will an extra allowance for lodging be helpful? Knowing particular needs will help you

Some will insist that compensati­on remains a very big part of employee retention. Engaged employees, however, aren’t the workplace environmen­t.

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