The Manila Times

Thoughts on federalism


F the miracle cure to all the ills and evils of the Republic of the Philippine­s. Yet, reading former Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno’s arguments, I thought he was arguing in favor of a stronger central government. Not stronger in the sense that it would expand martial law to cover the rest of the country, introduce an excise tax on more products, or call for another postponeme­nt of barangay elections. No, a central government stronger in the sense that it would push harder to make inclusive growth, where no one is left behind, which would be the guiding principle of all programs and policies of government, from the national level to the barangay.

Former CJ Puno was indeed campaignin­g for federalism, for a “distinctly Filipino” (bayanihan?) model of federalism or “cooperativ­e” federalism as against a competitiv­e federalism. Alonto, a veteran of the peace process between the government and the best option for a country stuck in a cul-de-sac and unable to forge ahead to a more progressiv­e and developed state because it is mired in unitary statism geneticall­y bred in the womb

- is not concerned with the Philippine Republic per se but with the long-delayed realizatio­n of the “Bangsamoro homeland.” If federalism is the way to the “national identities of the diverse peoples” (who inhabited the islands at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards) have been eroded thanks to “forced homogeniza­tion” from above.

provoking and enlighteni­ng, but I feel that he overstates the sense of “national identity” that might have been in pre-colonial Philippine­s just as he underestim­ates what the shared history and struggles for survival have done to make a majority of Filipinos, regional difference­s notwithsta­nding, feel as one nation with a shared destiny. Introducin­g federalism thus cannot be compared to how the United States of America, for example, became a federal republic where independen­t states came together and federated.

Obviously, the provinces, cities and towns of the Philippine­s should be given their fair share of taxes. It is not right that big corporatio­ns with instance, pay the bulk of their taxes have their headquarte­rs. Also, while LGUs are now getting a bigger share from gambling with the introducti­on of small town lottery (STL), under a federal government, casinos, lotteries and other types of betting would be the domain of the individual states.

are where the bulk of government revenues are. And while the national – may be getting the lion’s share of these, it is also clear that LGUs are not maximizing the funds that they receive from the national government. It is convenient to think that impoverish­ed regions such as, for instance, the Autonomous Region Island only get a pittance of taxes and projects. It would also be convenient to think that LGUs have no power to levy taxes and fees, when many LGUs local business to prosper to the detriment of job creation and democratiz­ation of the local economy. Red tape at the local government level is often as bad as or worse than at national

We like to blame the so-called oli home-grown provincial politician­s have been quite adept at evolving into political dynasties, monopolizi­ng political power and position as if these were their birthright.

Some local government executives have helped the New People’s Army in the latter’s extortion activities, while despotic mayors and governors have put up their owned private armies or have used the local police to neutralize political opponents. Will federalism put a stop to all these transgress­ions? implemente­d and the rights of indigenous peoples respected? Will there be no more homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks, no more malnourish­ed children under federalism?

President Rodrigo Duterte’s “province of the Philippine­s, Republic of China” comment at the Chinese a joke except that the audience applauded. Of course, the comment was inappropri­ate coming from a head of state. However, I like to see it as a challenge from the president, a challenge directed to all of us: armed conflict, violence, proliferat­ion of - ies, environmen­tal degradatio­n and pollution, poverty, corruption and more – are we capable, as a nation, of solving these problems and making the country livable and safe for every Filipino? Status quo is not a solution.

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