The Manila Times

Not to be sniffed at: BO haters likely to back Trump


PARIS: People easily disgusted by body odors seem to prefer authoritar­ian leaders and were likelier to support Donald Trump, an unusual study into the origins of ideology suggested on Wednesday.

The seemingly obscure link, it said, may be rooted in a deep-seated instinct to avoid disease— whether in individual­s whose smell suggests they are germ-carriers, or “unfamiliar” people such as immigrants or minorities.

The study results “contribute to the growing evidence that contempora­ry social attitudes may be rooted in basic sensory functions,” the researcher­s wrote.

In two online surveys, the team asked people in several countries a series of questions to determine their level of “body odor disgust sensitivit­y” (BODS), as well as their position on the political spectrum.

They were looking for signs of “right-wing authoritar­ianism”— which study author Marco Liuzza from Italy’s Magna Graecia University summarized as an attitude “promoting aggressive policies towards groups perceived as deviant or threatenin­g the traditiona­l values.”

Analysis of the data revealed a “solid connection” between how strongly people reacted to body smells and their desire for a leader that can keep groups of people “in their places,” said co-author Jonas Olofsson of Stockholm University.

In a third test, with American participan­ts, the researcher­s looked for a correlatio­n between BODS and support for Trump—who they said “was described as having a particular­ly authoritar­ian message.”

The study, published in the Royal Society journal Open Science, was conducted when Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton were rival candidates for the presidency.

The results “showed that people who were more disgusted by smells were also more likely to vote for Donald Trump than those who were less sensitive,” said Olofsson.

“We thought that was interestin­g because Donald Trump talks frequently about how different people disgust his supporters would be more easily disgusted themselves.”

Disgust is a crucial survival tool that helps humans avoid potential health threats lurking in foul-smell

It can also be triggered by non-infectious stimuli, including by people who “deviate” from the societal norm, whether it be physically, morally or with their sexual preference­s.

Smells listed in the questionna­ires included breath, sweat, feet, feces, urine and gas—the participan­ts’ own and that of strangers.

Political questions tested a participan­t’s stand on issues such as abortion, pornograph­y, religion, and morality in general, as well as whether they intended to vote for Trump or not.

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