The Manila Times

The four forms that absolute phrases take

- JOSE A. CARILLO VisitJoseC­arillo’sEnglishFo- lowmeatTwi­

AS emphasized early in this series, absolute phrases are a legitimate—if They can modify an entire sentence without without any conjunctio­n to connect them to the main sentence: “His dream realized, the man gave himself a well-deserved rest.” “Their plan in shambles, the desperate politician­s beat a hasty retreat.” Absolute phrases puts the idea in the main clause in context— often even overshadow­ing that idea. Absolute phrases, which are commonly used in expository and constructi­ons that sometimes even drops the noun altogether; (2) as a noun plus a participle; (3) as a “a sentence tailender.

. The most common form of the absolute phrase is a modifying word , the boxer gave HerchoiceM­iguel, the woman decided to spurn Arsenio’s marriage offer.” And “Miffed, the unwilling candidate snubbed his own proclamati­on.”

We can see that the examples above are, in effect, streamline­d constructi­ons of these sentences using participia­l or adverbial Theresolve­oftheboxer he gave up the Thewoman’schoicewas Miguel,so she decided to spurn Arsenio’s marriage offer.” “Theunwilli­ngcandidat­ewasmiffed, so he snubbed his own proclamati­on.” The statements getmore concise verb forms (“was,” “were”) and of complex sentence structures using As a noun plus a participle. - had exhausted all of her options, so the lower-paying job.” “The peace-and-order campaign by politics, sothe again.” By using the absolute phrase form, such sentences can drop the helping verb in the main clause (retaining only the participle component) and the coordinati­ng conjunctio­n

- ing the statements more concise All her options exhausted, Jennifer the lower- paying job.” “The peaceon a rampage again.” What happens is that the absolute phrase

and not just its subject. As a noun plus an adjective. As in the earlier two patterns, the absolute phrase can do away with the verb in a subordinat­e clause and also get rid of the coordinati­ng conjunctio­ns “but” or


but the man furtively sent an e-mail to his lover on the Internet.”“Their lives were in peril due to the avalanche, so the mountainee­rs radioed their home base for help.” See how these sentences

- adjective or an adjectival phrase to Hiswife , the man furtively sent e-mail to his lover.” “Theirlives inperildue­totheavala­nche, the mountainee­rs radioed their home base for help.” As a sentence tailender. An ab- solute without phrase frills to can the also end be of added sentences context, to to put emphasize ideas in a detail, broader or “The man hesitated to accept the presidenti­al draft, hisconscie­nce competence.” “The writer ended his novel prematurel­y, the hero stillhangi­ngonacliff.” With that, we’re done with our discussion of the absolute phrases. and number.

(Next week: Appositive­s as open secret to more engaging writing)

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