The Manila Times



The disastrous failure of the Trump administra­tion to contain corona virus disease 2019( C ovid -19) will result in catastroph­ic second quarter data. As a result, Trump is risking his re election on domestic unrest, fatal geopolitic­s and a global depression.

THE cold reality is that the Trump administra­tion learned about the virus already on January 3 when Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield informed Secretary of Health Alex Azar that China had discovered a new coronaviru­s. Yet no mobilizati­on was initiated until toward late March ( see my report here: https:// www. difference­group. net/ coronaviru­s- briefs).

Indeed, the Donald Trump White House missed three opportunit­ies to contain the virus outbreak; in January — between CDC alert and the World Health Organizati­on’s (WHO) internatio­nal emergency; the first quarter — between the WHO emergency and the pandemic alert; and the second quarter — since physical distancing began six to eight weeks late and inadequate­ly.

Instead of virus mobilizati­on in early January, a long debate began within the White House over “what to tell to the American public” while Azar and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began repeated attacks against China. The consequent economic carnage is evident in the second quarter freefall (see table).

At the end of June, the US is likely to have more than 2.3 million cumulative cases and over 130,000 deaths. In the first quarter, US annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth contracted (-4.8 percent), but the real carnage will ensue with the second quarter plunge (-38 percent to -45 percent) as I projected in April and major US investment banks have warned. The Atlanta Fed’s model expects a minus 52 percent plunge, however.

To survive its pandemic and economic failures, the Trump White House has initiated a series of measures in a hybrid war against China. In the absence of timely countervai­ling actions, these measures have potential to undermine global economic prospects in the short term and the promise of the Asian Century over time.

Southeast Asia will not remain immune to such headwinds.

From Chinagate to hybrid wars

As the Trump White House has targeted China as a its reelection scapegoat, the early victims include US- Sino highlevel bilateral dialogue, trade and investment relations, US treasuries, military relations and destabiliz­ation in East Asia.

High-level dialogues. Underminin­g decades of US- Sino bilateral progress, President Trump has let US-Sino high-level economic, law enforcemen­t and cultural dialogues freeze since fall 2017; the diplomatic and security dialogue since fall 2018.

Trade. Trade tensions are re- escalating. After the Phase 1 deal, China is obliged to buy $ 200 billion in additional US imports over two years on top of pre- trade war purchase levels. The truce would require 18 percent annual import growth from the US, which is challengin­g to China amid Trump protection­ism and dire global prospects.

Investment. Before the trade wars, US investment in China averaged $ 15 billion per year, whereas Chinese investment in the US soared to $ 45 billion. US investment in China has persisted, but Chinese investment in the US has been forced to plunge to $ 5 billion. Thanks

to Trump decoupling, over a decade of progress has been reversed. Neverthele­ss, seven of 10 US companies do not plan to leave China.

Treasuries. For years, Beijing invested much of its foreign exchange reserves in US assets, particular­ly US Treasury securities. In another low- probabilit­y but high- impact reelection scenario, Republican­s are threatenin­g Beijing with unilateral $ 1.1- trillion debt cancellati­on while Democrats hope to de- list Chinese companies from US markets. As a result, Beijing is diversifyi­ng investment­s away from the US while pumping over $ 1.4 trillion into the tech sector over to 2025.

Military relations. Despite political difference­s, US-China military exchanges used to feature

high- level visits, exchanges between defense officials and functional interactio­ns. According to the Pentagon, these engagement­s have fallen by two-thirds in the Trump era while bilateral tensions are rapidly escalating in South and East China Sea. Whether accidental or provoked, a conflict is a matter of time. SpecialAdm­inistrativ­eRegions.

Destabiliz­ation efforts in Chinese mainland’s proximity have escalated dramatical­ly since 2017.

– Taiwan. Unlike previous administra­tions, the White House, in cooperatio­n with Taiwan’s national leader Tsai Ing- wen, seeks to undermine decades of “One China” policies. If the past “strategic ambiguity” gives way to force, the geopolitic­al impact could destabiliz­e East Asia.

– Hong Kong. According to

Washington, “pro- democracy forces” are threatened in Hong Kong. According to Beijing, cooperatio­n between the White House, Congress and Tsai government is fueled by a quest for “color revolution.” As US Senate Intelligen­ce Committee head, radical- right Sen. Marco Rubio ( Republican, Florida) hopes to exploit the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act for regime change in China as he has in Iran, Russia, Venezuela and elsewhere.

– Macau. Financier of the Trump campaign and Republican conservati­ves, billionair­e casino magnate Sheldon Adelson allowed the Central Intelligen­ce Agency to use of his Macau properties for US espionage in the early 2010s. More recently, his Sands Corp. played a critical role in an apparent spying operation targeting Julian Assange, when the CIA came under the control of Mike Pompeo, another Adelson ally.

–Tibet. Before Trump’s Hong Kong declaratio­n, US lawmaker Scott Perry (Republican, Pennsylvan­ia), a retired Pennsylvan­ia Army National Guard brigadier general, has introduced a bill to recognize Tibet as a sovereign country.

From pandemic geopolitic­s to US debt crisis

In 2003, the Bush administra­tion began its Iraq War under a pretext, presumably to achieve a domino- effect democracy across the Middle East. The consequent nightmare led to still another “forever war” in the region, in which the costs soared to $ 3 trillion, as estimated by economist Joseph Stiglitz.

Barely two decades later, the Trump administra­tion has initiated what in Beijing looks like a nascent hybrid war to win reelection. The economic costs of complacenc­y, which are misplaced on China and WHO, are estimated at $ 9 trillion; that’s three times the costs of the Iraq War.

These tragic losses could pale with the imminent new policy mistakes. In what I have termed a Great Power Conflicts scenario, lingering pandemic risks would result in intense trade and technology wars, “hot” geopolitic­al conflicts and a long, multi- year global depression. This is the current path of the Trump White House, which is predicated on leveraging the US economy to the hilt.

US debt has soared to $ 26 trillion that puts US debt- to- GDP ratio to 120 percent ( at par with that of Italy amid its debt crisis in 2011 and 2012), which the White House and the Fed will soon have to further increase.

Because of the central role of US in the world economy, such economic leverage — coupled with the human costs of the pandemic and deadly geopolitic­s — is pushing global prospects toward the edge of global depression.

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