The Manila Times

Chinese push WHO probe of US Ft. Detrick lab


More than half a million Chinese netizens have signed a joint letter to the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) as of press time on Sunday, demanding the organizati­on conduct an investigat­ion into the US’ Fort Detrick lab, a place whose sudden shutdown is still shrouded in secrecy, which has not been subject to any scrutiny from the internatio­nal community.

They believe a thorough probe into the US lab could prevent a future epidemic. The move came as certain Western politician­s and media stirred up a new round of the smear campaign of pinpointin­g China as the culprit for the coronaviru­s origin.

A group of Chinese netizens drafted the joint open letter to ask the WHO to investigat­e the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (Usamriid) at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

They entrusted the Global Times with posting the letter on its WeChat and Weibo platforms on Saturday to solicit a public response. It has garnered half a million signatures within 24 hours.

They said in the letter that to prevent the next epidemic, the WHO should pay special attention to labs that are conducting studies on dangerous viruses or even on biochemica­l weapons.

The open letter particular­ly noted the Fort Detrick lab, which stores the most deadly and infectious viruses in the world, including Ebola, smallpox, SARS, MERS and the novel coronaviru­s. The leak of them would cause severe danger to the world.

“But this lab has a notorious record on lab security. There have been scandals of anthrax bacterium from the lab being stolen, causing poisoning to many and even death.

There has been a leakage incident in the lab in the autumn of 2019 right before the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, however, detailed informatio­n had been withheld by the US under excuses of national security,” said the letter.

The informatio­n unveiled by the US media has worried the world and some have questioned whether the novel coronaviru­s could be linked to the US lab.

The Usamriid was temporaril­y shut down in 2019 after a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspection. Although this mysterious lab reported the reason for the closure as “ongoing infrastruc­ture issues with wastewater decontamin­ation,” the explanatio­n was not persuasive enough.

In a recent example in June, a research study run by the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program found evidence of Covid-19 infections in the United States as early as December 2019, weeks before the first documented infection in the country.

Wuhan recorded China’s earliest Covid-19 symptoms from a patient on Dec. 8, 2019.

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