The Manila Times

Scientists clone first rhesus monkey using new method


PARIS: Scientists in China on Tuesday announced that they have cloned the first healthy rhesus monkey, a 2-year-old named Retro, by tweaking the process that created Dolly the sheep.

Primates have proved particular­ly difficult to clone, and the scientists overcame years of failure by replacing the cloned cells that would become the placenta with those from a normal embryo.

They hope their new technique will lead to the creation of identical rhesus monkeys that can be experiment­ed on for medical research.

However, outside researcher­s warned that the success rate for the new method was still very low, as well as raising the usual ethical questions around cloning.

Since the historic cloning of Dolly the sheep using a technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in 1996, more than 20 different animals have been created using the process, including dogs, cats, pigs and cattle.

However, it was not until two decades later that scientists managed to clone the first primates using SCNT.

A pair of identical crab-eating macaques named Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong were created using SCNT in 2018 by researcher­s at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscien­ce in Shanghai.

But that breakthrou­gh, led by the institute’s Qiang Sun, only resulted in live births in fewer than 2 percent of attempts.

Qiang was also a senior author of the new research, published in the journal Nature Communicat­ions.

He told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that the team had extensivel­y researched why previous efforts to clone the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) had failed.

In an earlier attempt, one monkey — out of 35 implanted fetuses — was born alive, but it died in less than a day.

Qiang said one of the “major problems” was that the placentas of cloned embryos were showing abnormalit­ies compared to those from in vitro fertilizat­ion.

So the researcher­s replaced the cells that later become the placenta, which are called the trophoblas­t, with those from a healthy, noncloned embryo.

The trophoblas­t cells provide nutrients to a growing embryo, and turn into the placenta that supplies oxygen and other life-supporting assistance to the fetus.

The technique “greatly improved the success rate of cloning by SCNT” and led to the birth of Retro, Qiang said.

However, Lluis Montoliu, a scientist at the Spanish National Center for Biotechnol­ogy who was not involved in the research, pointed out that just one out of 113 initial embryos survived, meaning a success rate of less than Q percent.

If human beings were to ever be cloned — the great ethical fear of this field of research — then other primate species would have to be cloned first, he said.

But so far, the poor efficiency of these efforts has “confirmed the obvious: not only was human cloning unnecessar­y and debatable, but if attempted, it would be extraordin­arily difficult — and ethically unjustifia­ble,” Montoliu said.

Qiang emphasized that cloning a human being was “unacceptab­le” in any circumstan­ce.

For the SCNT procedure, scientists remove the nucleus from a healthy egg, then replace it with another nucleus from another type of body cell.

The embryo, therefore, grows into the same creature that donated the replacemen­t nucleus.

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