The Manila Times

‘Welcome the Year of the Wood Dragon by moving forward and learning to compromise’


THE Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, holds immense cultural, social, and TRADITIONA­L SIGNIfiCAN­CE WITHIN Chinese communitie­s worldwide. This 2024, the festivitie­s mark the auspicious arrival of the Year of the Wood Dragon.

Ahead of the upcoming celebratio­n on February 10, New World Makati invited geomancer Patrick Fernandez from the Yin and Yang Shop of Harmony – their partner since 2015 – to share insightful Feng Shui forecasts and offer a guide in navigating the energies and opportunit­ies that lie ahead for those interested in the practice and tradition.

Per Fernandez’s explanatio­n, the dragon is interestin­gly the only animal from the 12 zodiac animals that is mythical, with the other animal signs based on reality. Chinese fascinatio­n with the dragon can be attributed to its representa­tion as the earthly symbol of the emperor, embodying qualities of majesty, imperialis­m, and power. This very fascinatio­n compels some couples to have babies when the year of the dragon comes along.

In China, statistics show a five percent higher birth rate during the dragon years. However, Fernandez warns that not all dragon babies are automatica­lly lucky.

“If, for example, their parents are dogs – the conflict animal of the dragon – they will also invite conflict in the family. So usually when they come to us to consult, we look at the birth chart of the parents as well or the siblings, and then we can say, ‘Yes, a dragon baby is OK for the family,’” explained Fernandez.

As narrated by Fernandez, the legend of the dragon’s benevolenc­e further enriches the understand­ing of its symbolism.

He conveyed, “Many years ago, there was a great race. The Jade Emperor said, ‘Come to my palace, and we will have a banquet. The order that you come in will be the order of your Chinese zodiac.’ Being the most powerful and majestic, the dragon is way ahead. It was up early, already up in the sky, and would finish first.

“What happened was there was this village in need. So, instead of continuing to the finish line, the dragon stopped to help that was going through a drought and fire.

“In ancient China, the dragon also symbolizes water, so it was able to catch rain from the clouds and bring it to the village. It helped the village, and because of that, it only finished fifth.”

From the story, Fernandez gleaned, “So, what does this tell us for the energies of the year? One is that it’s a year that you should showcase your talents and your strengths. Everyone is good at something. Find your area of influence where you’re good at and do it.

The second thing we can learn from the story is benevolenc­e – being kind, good, generous. Be generous with your talent and strengths and try to help the world that way,” he continued.

The need for compromise

As the transition from the Water Rabbit year to the Wood Dragon year occurs, the focus shifts to the Yang Wood energy, symbolizin­g growth.

The concept can be viewed this way: After the stagnation caused by the pandemic, there’s an opportunit­y for global growth. As such, Fernandez advises aligning with this energy to foster personal, business, and career developmen­t.

“Now there is this chance where we can see growth throughout the world. We can all manage this energy and grow with the world rather than against it,” he pointed out.

“The other thing that’s also prevalent is that the Yang Wood has difficulty compromisi­ng. So there will be times we will see and be caught in this. And with everything happening in the world today, remember that it is imperative to always find the common ground.”

Fernandez neverthele­ss gave reassuranc­e amid his warning: “The energy exists, but then the common thing is we have free will as people to counter that and find common ground to be able to come up with peaceful resolution­s everywhere.”

His forecast also delves into the financial aspect, noting a strong energy for wood industries. Keep in mind that the wood element encompasse­s sectors like teaching, publishing, accounting, legal profession­s, and environmen­tal ventures, so these will be poised for luck.

Individual­ity, women rising

Another notable prediction this year is a significan­t change in Feng Shui trends, which occurs every 20 years. Fernandez anticipate­s a shift towards self-independen­ce, replicatio­n or influence, and an increased focus on spirituali­ty, urging individual­s to look inward for answers.

Furthermor­e, a surge of yin energy for women is predicted over the next two decades, signifying a period where women will continue to rise and assert their influence across various domains.

“We’ve started seeing this happening in the world when it comes to the election of political leaders. We’ve also seen this in different facets of life and different parts of the world. There was Barbie and Taylor Swift last year. So, ladies, this is your time,” Fernandez enthused.

Onward march

Asked for prospects for the country, Fernandez told The Sunday Times Magazine, “It’s important to keep going. I know we missed our target last year – 5.6 percent GDP growth versus the 6 percent target. Although it’s close, it’s important to keep going.”

The geomancer reiterated, “Like I said, there’s this energy that has to do with a difficulty in compromisi­ng, so just remember to always find common ground because, without it, we can’t move forward.”

As for politics, he avered, “Politics is always interestin­g, but we’d rather not go into that in general forecasts like this.

“Still, when we get clients interested in going into politics, what we always tell them is if your platform is directed toward the good of the people, like education, charities, and livelihood, that’s a good chi they are giving that eventually will return to them — helping others in a selfless way.”

Forecast by animal sign

As always, Fernandez rounded up his annual forecast by providing insight into the year that awaits each Chinese zodiac sign.

The Sunday Times Magazine hopes the Year of the Wood Dragon generally portends luck for everyone as we wish our dear readers Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Rat. (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032)

A strong authority in the Leadership Star comes with the Rat this year so that people will look to them for guidance and knowledge. From that regard, look where you’re good at. Try to be the leader there and find your unique style.

Another thing to note is that there is a star that has to do with misunderst­anding this year for rats. As such, it is better to overcommun­icate at home or work.

Lastly, there is the Injury Star on the side of rats, too. So, if something seems dangerous to pursue, try to preempt it. Specifical­ly, after February 4, try to have a blood test, donate blood, or undergo dental cleaning. Doing one of these will help prevent injuries and be good for you at the same time.

Ox. (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033)

It’s a good year for money for this sign in two different ways. First, if you’re looking for other sources of income, this is a perfect time to diversify, especially in today’s business climate. It should be easier to do so directly and indirectly, so try to be bolder with investment­s.

The year is also suitable for travel for the Ox, whether a short weekend getaway or an extended and strategic five-day or weeklong trip.

Tiger. (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034)

It is a good year to set financial milestones for this sign. For example, if you want to save more, buy something new, or are interested in a particular investment, you should set a financial goal to help you attain your target better and in a timely manner.

It is also an ideal year to broaden perspectiv­es. If you have a choice between spending time and resources between buying a new thing or experienci­ng something new, go for the latter. Choose to make new friends, travel to a new place or begin a new hobby because all these things will bring you better chi or energy that will last for years to come.

However, a Heightened Sensitivit­y Star will affect your sign this year. You’re going to be more sensitive about everything this year, so warn the people around you that you will have such a tendency so they can try to understand you and decrease the chance of conflicts.

Rabbit. (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)A Surpassing Path star portends well for rabbits this year. What this means is that whatever your goal is, you will exceed it. The rabbits will hop to their goal often this year, so try to visualize success, be confident of attaining it, and even go beyond the idea of reaching it.

The Rabbit, though, will also be affected by the star that has to do with turning a small matter into a big one, or as they say, making a mountain out of a molehill.

Pay attention to your health as well. Prevention is better than cure, so make sure to have checkups and rethink lifestyles to avoid getting sick.

Dragon. (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

As indicated in the year’s general forecast, this is a good year for dragons, especially, to showcase their talents and capabiliti­es to the world. Add to that their organizati­onal skills. Use these as a platform to achieve what is important to you and ultimately toward the good of others.

A Creativity Star will also shine on dragons, making them innovative and providing them with fresh ideas. Remember, however, that it is also good to brainstorm with others. Try to find a balance amid this frenetic energy that will surround you because there will definitely be so much activity going on simultaneo­usly.

Snake. (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037)

There is a strong Tai Yang star for snakes this year, which has much to do with getting energy from daylight. Put simply, if you have a choice between setting an important meeting or activity over lunch or dinner, go for the earlier one.

There will also be luck for male relationsh­ips in your life, be they with family members, business partners, colleagues, etc.

Snakes will also benefit from a Peach Blossom star, which, again, has to do with relationsh­ips in general. Try to find the love language of those most important to you for stability in your personal life. The same goes for your profession­al relationsh­ips. Discover what’s important to those you work with and speak that language with them in order to accomplish your goals. Always remember that there is never a one-size-fits-all strategy or solution for challenges.

Finally, snakes will also enjoy the Heavenly Chef’s star, so try to find opportunit­ies and identify milestones to ideally celebrate these occasions with food.

Horse. (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

A star called the Sky Relief Star affects horses this year. If challengin­g instances block your way, trust that there will be “relief from the sky.” Often, the help will come from other people and, interestin­gly enough, from those you least expect to be there for you.

When at the receiving end of someone’s help, be sure to spread the good chi around and show appreciati­on to encourage and buoy a cycle of positive energy.

Two attitudes that will portend well for horses are patience and resilience. There will be some Obstacles Stars that will threaten things not to go as smoothly as you wish, but so long as you have the patience to get past them, things will be OK.

Goat. (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051) There’s a star that comes with new opportunit­ites for the goat. This will bring the chance to meet new people. Go out and network because many good opportunit­ies this year are hinged on that.

Watch out, however, for a star that has to do with being overly ambitious and a star causing entangleme­nt. You may be embroiled in people’s affairs, so staying in your lane and avoiding gossip is best.

Monkey. (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028)

There will be a lot of accomplish­ments for monkeys this year.

Establish a learning agenda so you can be aware of things that work well and what you can improve. In that way, your achievemen­ts can become bigger and better.

It’s also good for monkeys to focus on the long term this year. There will be a lot of short-term goals coming up, but at the same time, look at the broader horizon, like planning ahead for the next three or five years, as this will be more beneficial in achieving the outcome you want within a specific timeframe.

There’s a star, however, called the Nuisance Star looming above the monkey, which has to do with little hassles in your life that will irritate you. This could come in the form of things or people. Try to realize what those are, and don’t get overly stressed by them.

Rooster. (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029)

This sign is actually the dragon›s best friend and will enjoy one of his or her better years.

It is, therefore, OK to juggle many things, but in pursuing them, a piece of good advice is to learn to prioritize. Adapt the Japanese concept called Ikigai. To illustrate, say, for example, there are at least 10 things you want to do. Sort them into four criteria — things that you’re good at, the things you enjoy doing, things that are good for others, and things you could learn from. From there, proceed to do what you can, tick every box you accomplish, and finally, rethink the ones you don’t get to do because they may not really be for you.

It is also wise for roosters to have mentors because they need reminding to be more prudent this year.

Dog. (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042)

This sign is the “chong” or the conflict animal of the dragon. Be more careful about health, money and relationsh­ips.

Neverthele­ss, take comfort in the emergence of a star that will encourage you to work with many different people you will find you can rely on. Stick it out with this lot.

Pig. (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043)

This sign has an Emperor Star, which points towards expansion. As such, this is a good year to plan in that direction or pursue new interests. Go for it because you will have the Emperor Star energy behind you.

Pigs will also benefit from a star dedicated to personal and profession­al relationsh­ips and another for problem-solving. So, if there are instances this year that prove to be a bit dire, don’t worry, as your star will bring inspiratio­n that will help solve your problems in a creative manner.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that when you travel, you will tend to lose things, so always be careful.


As a postscript, Fernandez took a moment to address Feng Shui skeptics and shed light on the essence of this age-old Chinese tradition to ensure balance and harmony in life.

Through The Sunday Times Magazine, he explained, “What we really want to do is to educate people because sometimes [their reservatio­ns] are coming from a place that is uninformed.”

Breaking concepts down, he said, “Let’s start with the Chinese term ‘Feng Shui’ itself. If you plug those into Google Translate, you will find they mean wind and water in English. And really, that is simply what Feng Shui is all about. It’s not a myth of some sort.”

He went on to explain how wind and water symbolize flow. “In Feng Shui, that means going with it, towards where the wind blows and the water runs rather than going against these elements. That’s what this is all about, put simply.”

Fernandez also clarified that the practice of Feng Shui isn’t limited to arranging a house or an office in a certain way to achieve harmony and balance.

“Regarding our luck charts, Feng Shui energy is tied to the earth, so all of us who live here will benefit from this energy regardless of ethnicity, geography and culture,” he explained.

At the end of the day, Fernandez declares geomancers have no intention of dictating how a person should live.

“In practicing Feng Shui, all we hope to do is to inform people what could happen based on the principles of geomancy because, ultimately, it will always be up to the individual to choose which way to go.”

Acknowledg­ing there will always be skeptics, he finally said, “Not all things are for everyone. But if Feng Shui resonates with you – if you can see its value and how it can help you and your family in terms of health, relationsh­ip harmony, career, or business – then we’re just happy to help.”

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