The Manila Times

Cha-cha should be free from deceit – Go


SEN. Christophe­r “Bong” Go said that any Charter change (Cha-cha) amendments should undergo a legitimate process and be free from deceit or exploitati­on.

The senator said Cha-cha should “reflect the true will and interest of the Filipino people” amid the reported questionab­le people’s initiative (PI) pushed by some groups to amend the 1987 Constituti­on.

Go welcomed the move of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to provide “signature withdrawal forms” to those allegedly misled in signing a petition to push for Cha-cha.

The Comelec allows concerned Filipinos to withdraw their signatures from the PI petition “if they wish to do so,” he said. The poll body said the forms would be available at the Office of Election Officers.

In a statement on February 16, Go reiterated his opposition to the people’s initiative following reports that people were bribed to sign the petition.

“Amid recent insinuatio­ns that some senators have given up the fight to protect and preserve the Senate, let me say this again in clear and unmistakab­le words: I strongly oppose and will continue to oppose any attempt to tinker with our Constituti­on that will erode the ‘checks and balances,’ including the Senate of the people as a bastion of our hard-won democracy,” he said.

The senator cited reports that some PI proponents promised financial aid from the government to those who support the initiative.

“I condemn and will continue to condemn any attempt to manipulate our people, particular­ly the poor, the hopeless, and the helpless, by bribing them with cash, goods, or assistance from the government just to get their signatures,” Go said.

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