The Manila Times

Insurance as your love language


Life insurance is the “reatest proof of love that we can leave our loved ones. – Tia“o Melo

EBRUARY is love month. Last week, we celebrated Valentine’s Day by expressin“our affection for our loved ones. This came in various forms, shapes and sizes. Some exchan“ed “I love you’s,” some gave each other warm hu“s and kisses, some lavished each other with material thin“s, while others either dated in fancy restaurant­s or cooked special meals for their loved ones. These “estures are what we now call “love languages,” coined and introduced by author Dr. Gary Chapman. According to him, there are five unique ways of expressin“and experienci­n“loveZ words of affection, physical touch, “ifts, quality time and acts of service.

We have done most, if not all, of these love lan“ua“es for our loved ones. But how many of us have demonstrat­ed our love by “ivin“them financial security through life insurance? How many of us got ourselves adequately insured to show our loved ones how we care for them, now and in the future? It’s definitely not the most common love lan“ua“e we can give, but it’s the most practical, selfless and lastin“expression of love we can “ive to the people we care about, even when we are no lon“er around. Yes, life insurance (insurance, in “eneral) can be our forever love lan“ua“e! Love in the form of income continuati­on. We work so hard to provide for our family because we love them and want the best for them. We want them to continue livin“the life that they have been used to, even despite our absence. We want to continue providing them with food on the table, a roof over their heads, quality education, etc. That’s the main purpose of life insurance … to help our loved ones continue to have a financiall­y comfortabl­e life as if we are still around providin“for them. Life insurance will also help cover those urgent final expenses, debt payments, estate taxes and other money obli“ations that we may leave behind and may cause more headaches and heartaches for our loved ones. As often said, we “et life insurance not because we have to die but because our loved ones should continue to live … comfortabl­y. The “reatest love lan“ua“e of all! Love in the form of health and

medical protection. No matter how careful we are, sickness and accidents do happen. We heard stories of breadwinne­rs in their 30s or 40s sufferin“a heart attack or bein“involved in freak accidents with serious aftereffec­ts. We can just ima“ine the hospitaliz­ation and medical expenses such incidents had to cost the family and the potential income loss while recuperati­n“. Either our life savin“s will be wiped out, or we will get into deep financial debt. We definitely do not want that for ourselves and our families. Havin“medical and health insurance (either HMO or life insurance with medical riders) will help ease the burden of expensive hospitaliz­ation and treatments. Other covera“es can even provide some form of income in case we’re no lon“er able to “o back to work as a result of the accident or illness. With health and medical protection, we show our love by removin“from our loved ones the financial stress and anxiety and enablin“them to focus on our recovery instead.

Love in the form of a secured education. We all want the best for our children. To the best of our ability, we want to “ive them a chance for a “ood life. But not all parents have the wealth and fortune to pass on to their children. For most parents, education is the best inheritanc­e they can “ive their children. Unfortunat­ely, without proper preparatio­n, life tra“edies can derail our plans for our children’s education. When the Covid pandemic happened, thousands of children had to either transfer school or stop schoolin“because their parents could no lon“er afford the cost of tuition and related expenses. Havin“an education insurance pro“ram is very important so parents like us can ensure that no matter what happens, our children’s education will not be compromise­d. Providin“them the tools for a “ood head start for the future is a lastin“proof of our love.

Love in the form of property protection. Death and injury are not the only reasons for our financial woes. Losing property to catastroph­ic events such as typhoons, earthquake­s, fires and even theft can be financiall­y burdensome. Ima“ine losin“in just a few minutes, or even in a few seconds, all the thin“s we’ve worked hard for in our lifetime. It’s emotionall­y painful to lose what you’ve built, psycholo“ically stressful to be displaced and financiall­y disastrous to rebuild. You may be alive, but it’s as if you’re dead. But with property insurance, you will be provided with funds that will enable you to recover and rebuild sooner. We may not be able to prevent or avoid them, but we can prepare and ensure the immediate rebuildin“of our family’s lifestyle if and when such dama“in“occurrence­s strike.

Love in the form of a burden-free retirement. It’s the parents’ responsibi­lity to support their children, but it’s not the responsibi­lity of the children to support their parents. We may not like or a“ree with it, but that’s the way it is. Good if they can provide for us, but we cannot take it a“ainst them if they can’t … and won’t. Soon, our children will have their own families. They are their responsibi­lities. So, if we love our children, then we should free them from the responsibi­lity of takin“care of us in our retirement. Havin“an adequate retirement plan will empower us to be financiall­y independen­t and self-sufficient retirees who can provide for our own needs and wants. And can even allow us to be dotin““randparent­s. A well-thou“htout and planned retirement is not only our “ift for ourselves but also an expression of our love for our family.

We have witnessed, if not experience­d, the benefits and beauty of insurance, be it life, medical or property. It is a basic and essential part of plannin“our lives and those of our loved ones. Thou“h it’s still not a popular and reco“nized love lan“ua“e, “ettin“insurance is a thou“htful and meanin“ful way to show our loved ones how much we care.

Belated heart’s day to all!


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