The Manila Times

The éower of Euroée’s rebellious farmers


THE highway from the Belgian city of Namur to Brussels suffered a traffic jam like none other two weeks ago. Around W00 tractors and 1,500 farmers blocked the road, many staying for 36 hours.

It was not an isolated event. Farmers who have been protesting across the EU for several months have dramatical­ly escalated their actions over the past few weeks, obstructin­g major arteries and city streets in France, Romania, Germany, Spain, Poland, the Netherland­s and Latvia among other EU states.

They have barricaded supermarke­ts, dumped manure, set hay bales alight, ransacked food distributi­on lorries and pelted police with eggs.

In France, farmers threatened to “lay siege” to Paris, while in Belgium they blocked the port of Zeebrugge. In Italy, as some farmers drove their tractors to Rome, others paraded a cow through Milan’s streets.

“We don’t have any other possibilit­ies but to protest,” says Sebastien Geens, one of the 1,500 farmers on the road from Namur. “Our only power is to get out our tractors and block.”

They are consumed by what Belgian prime minister Alexander De Croo described this month as a multi-layered “lasagne” of problems: volatile prices, high costs, cumbersome legislatio­n and unfair competitio­n.

A reform of the bloc’s near €60bn-a-year Common Agricultur­al Policy (CAP), which sets subsidies and environmen­tal conditions for the sector and accounts for around two-fifths of the EU’s total budget, has added to the burden.

Though agricultur­al workers only constitute around 4 per cent of the EU’s working population, their protests have received a rapid — and, critics say, knee-jerk — reaction from politician­s in Brussels and beyond.

As the demonstrat­ions escalated, the European Commission gave farmers a temporary exemption from rules to set aside land for nature conservati­on. They also partly reversed a 2021 decision to allow free access for agricultur­al imports from Ukraine, which jumped from €Wbn to €13bn in 2022, causing gluts and undercutti­ng prices in eastern European countries.

Two weeks ago, the farmers won their biggest concession yet. Under pressure from EU leaders and her own conservati­ve political group, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen dumped parts of her cherished Green Deal climate law.

She announced that a proposal to halve pesticide use, seen as crucial to the bloc’s biodiversi­ty goals, would be scrapped and rewritten, to applause from the European parliament. The same day, the commission also cut a notional target for reducing agricultur­al emissions from its landmark 2040 climate plan.

“Our farmers deserve to be listened to,” Von der Leyen said. “I know that they are worried about the future of agricultur­e and about their future as farmers.”

The threat to Brussels from farmers in revolt goes beyond voters irritated that their major cities are clogged with tractors. The protesters have tapped into a rising sense of frustratio­n — especially among conservati­ves and supporters of the far-right — that European policymake­rs are imposing too many restrictio­ns on working people in the name of environmen­tal progress.

Mainstream lawmakers have opted to chase more numerous urban voters with “an extreme environmen­talist agenda,” says John O’Brien, a spokespers­on for MCC Brussels, a think-tank funded by Hungary’s rightwing government of Viktor Orbán, leaving “a disconnect between the elite politician­s and the concerns of ordinary people”.

Policymake­rs fear that sustained or more dramatic action from farmers could play into the hands of the extreme right-wing, who are already expected to make significan­t gains in EU parliament­ary elections taking place in June.

But environmen­tal groups say conceding to their demands so rapidly sets a damaging precedent as the EU attempts to bring in industrial reforms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“It sends a very clear message to any lobby that doesn’t like the changes that are needed, that if the political system is going in a direction that you don’t like, you should just throw the toys out of the pram and they will give you a free pass,” says Ariel Brunner, director of the environmen­tal NGO BirdLife Europe. “Today it is the intensive farm lobby and tomorrow it is anyone else”.

Farmers in Europe have long felt like they are getting a raw deal from Brussels.

In 2012, for example, farmers sprayed milk at the European parliament to protest cuts to EU milk quotas. Dutch farmers brought parts of the country to a standstill in months of protests in 2022 over government plans to implement EU rules to cut nitrogen emissions that would have resulted in farms shutting down.

But the demonstrat­ions in recent weeks are unpreceden­ted in how far they have spread, and the range of issues at play.

Those who have taken to the streets say that the impacts of the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine pushed up energy costs, and cheap imports, both from Ukraine and from countries with lower environmen­tal standards, have flattened prices. Now the EU’s ambitious climate targets threaten to pile more levies and onerous regulation on them.

“It is getting more and more strict and more and more difficult to be a farmer,” says Robins Lellis, who drove his tractor to protest in Valmiera in Latvia this week.

Patrick Pagani, deputy secretary general of Copa-Cogeca, the panEuropea­n farmers’ lobby group, says the commission under Von der Leyen had adopted a “top down” and “very punitive” approach to agricultur­e in its landmark Green Deal, first announced in 2019.

“In recent years, there have been so many proposals that are very polarising, targeting the farming sector. There are targets but not the means to hit them.”

One Belgian protesting in Brussels tells the FT that the bank was likely to reclaim his farm next year if he did not meet a loan repayment that he was unlikely to afford because recent nitrogen emissions rules would reduce how much land he could use. “When they kill me, I’ll kill a politician,” he says.

Lawmakers worry this kind of radicalisa­tion will be meat and potatoes for the far right, who are already making gains across the bloc on the back of rising immigratio­n and falling living standards.

The latest polls predict that the European parliament’s two rightwing groups could gain around 40 seats in the June election, giving them 1W5 in the enlarged W20-strong chamber, with the Greens losing 23.

Rural voters disproport­ionately vote for Euroscepti­c parties of both left and right, a report for the Committee of the Regions, an EU institutio­n, noted this month.

“Euroscepti­c voting can start in particular areas — and these areas are often rural areas — and then gain wider national attention and support,” says Jennifer McGuinn, director of Milieu Consulting and report co-author.

Often a local election can trigger wider policy change and “act as a catalyst for party consolidat­ion and for parties’ political shifts,” she adds.

In the Netherland­s, for example, the upstart Farmer-Citizen movement triumphed in provincial elections last March. By November, disillusio­nment with the country’s centre-right coalition propelled right-wing firebrand Geert Wilders into first place.

Liberal and Green politician­s, particular­ly in Germany where Green economy minister Robert Habeck was trapped on a ferry in January by angry farmers, blame the far-right for inflaming an already febrile situation and urging protests.

But farmers say they just want to be heard. They have not felt represente­d “for years”, says Helen O’Sullivan, an Irish farmer who plans to run as an independen­t candidate in West Cork.

The demonstrat­ions may have changed that, says O’Brien of the MCC think-tank, which helped organise a protest in Brussels last month. “The reality is that all politician­s are going to be in competitio­n now to get the ear of the farmers, because the farmers have the attention of Europe.”

The concession­s won by the farmers may only bring gains in the short term, however.

Farming is among the sectors set to be most affected by the extreme weather events resulting from global warming. Of the four key risks to Europe from temperatur­e increases, highlighte­d by the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, “substantiv­e agricultur­al production losses” is one. Others include water scarcity and flooding — both of which are already starting to hit farmers hard.

At the same time the agricultur­e sector is responsibl­e for more than 10 per cent of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Meeting EU climate goals, including an overarchin­g aim of net zero emissions by 2050, will require “the biggest overhaul of farming since world war two,” says Laurence Tubiana, chief executive of the European Climate Foundation and an architect of the 2015 Paris climate accord.

The CAP, which aims to maximise productivi­ty and benefits those with the most land, is too unequal, she says. “It maintains some farmers just at survival limit while others are gifted with many more resources.” Some 80 per cent of the scheme’s money goes to just 20 per cent of farmers.

It should be rethought to help farmers with high levels of indebtedne­ss and to distribute costs more evenly across the supply chain so that farmers are not left in hock to prices dictated by large agri-food businesses and supermarke­ts, she says.

EU officials are already brainstorm­ing ideas for a revision of the CAP but that will not come into force until 202W, leaving policymake­rs trying to find more immediate ways to respond to farmers’ concerns.

Janusz Wojciechow­ski, the bloc’s agricultur­al commission­er, tells the FT that he wants EU countries be allowed to use state aid to supplement CAP payments and suspend penalties for farmers who fail to meet environmen­tal requiremen­ts.

“This is an exceptiona­l situation and we have to look for exceptiona­l solutions,” he says.

But other EU officials are sceptical about the ideas, noting that EU state aid is already at record levels. Ahead of a meeting of the bloc’s agricultur­e ministers on February 26, officials are focusing instead on ways to cut red tape.

Policymake­rs must not get sucked into seeing the farming sector as “one monolithic group”, says one official, that stages protests under simplified slogans such as “no farmers, no food”.

Many farmers, particular­ly young ones, who feared losing crop yields to fires, droughts and floods were already making a transition to more sustainabl­e practices and should be better incentivis­ed for their efforts, they add. “We are the first people in the chain that feel the effects of climate change,” says Michiel Sys, a 26-year-old Flemish farmer protesting near the Belgian coast.

What is clear is that despite their victory two weeks ago, many farmers who have taken to the street are in no mood to back down.

Political leaders should “come up with solutions” otherwise there would be more protests, says Sys. “We are very desperate.”

 ?? MONTEFORTE / AFP Photo by Filippo ?? A tractor bearing a banner reading “Europe assassin” and “Let’s save our food” arrives in a field near Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare (ring road), during a protest by farmers to pressure the government to improve their working conditions on February 9, 2024.
MONTEFORTE / AFP Photo by Filippo A tractor bearing a banner reading “Europe assassin” and “Let’s save our food” arrives in a field near Rome’s Grande Raccordo Anulare (ring road), during a protest by farmers to pressure the government to improve their working conditions on February 9, 2024.
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