The Manila Times

Baguio City commemorat­es ‘Solo Parent Week’


“Solo parenting is not merely a personal journey; it is a courageous act of resilience and dedication. It is about individual­s who, often through unforeseen circumstan­ces, find themselves shoulderin­g the responsibi­lities of raising children single-handedly.”

Thus said Councilor Elmer Datuin, chairman of the city council’s committee on social services, women and urban poor, at the launching of the city’s Solo Parent Week Celebratio­n on Monday, April 15, at City Hall grounds led by Mayor Benjamin Magalong.

“It’s about mothers and fathers who wake up everyday, facing challenges head-on, and striving to provide a nurturing environmen­t for their children,” he added.

Datuin said the passage of Republic Act 11861, or the Expanded Solo Parents Act of 2022, acknowledg­es these challenges and seeks to alleviate the burdens faced by solo parents by granting additional benefits and privileges like educationa­l assistance, livelihood support and parental leave benefits.

The city government, meanwhile, has passed an ordinance which provides additional assistance to solo parents and their children in the Summer Capital, Datuin added.

“Our work does not end with legislatio­n. It begins with awareness about the realities faced by solo parents, dispelling myths and stereotype­s that may hinder their access to support,” he said.

“We must foster a culture of empathy and understand­ing, recognizin­g the diverse circumstan­ces that lead to solo parenthood. Moreover, we must take tangible steps to ensure that the provisions of the Expanded Solo Parents Act and the ordinance are implemente­d effectivel­y and efficientl­y.”

Datuin disclosed that the City Social Welfare and Developmen­t Office (CSWDO) and the Solo Parents Foundation of Baguio will conduct various activities including a Solo Parent Summit on April 18 at the Baguio City National High School Auditorium and the Service Caravan at Session Road on April 21.

Organized solo parent groups and barangay officials will also conduct their own activities in their respective barangay, he said.

“We are continuous­ly in the process of organizing the solo parents in all barangay (villages) so that the organizati­on can serve as a support group to whatever challenges solo parents may encounter,” he added.

“I urge each one of us to stand in solidarity with solo parents, to advocate for their rights and well-being, and to create a society where every family is supported and empowered to flourish.”

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