Panay News

Senior citizens to train on meat, food processing

- Editor: Daryl Z. Lasafin

SAN JOSE, Antique – Senior citizens in Antique will undergo a 6-day training starting June 2 on meat and food processing.

Recently, the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) of San Jose availed itself of the P700,000 livelihood project for meat and food processing from the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t.

OSCA officer Daisy Nufable said the project will help the senior citizens in the 28 barangays of San Jose town to improve their livelihood.

Aside from the training, they will also get food carts and starter kits containing their utensils, materials and supplies to start a food processing business.

These will be distribute­d after the training, Nufable said.

During the focused group discussion with senior citizens, they expressed their appreciati­on for the benefits and privileges they have received under the existing laws.

Aside from the livelihood program, t hey have also mentioned the 20- percent discounts and VAT exemptions on their purchase of medicines, and usage of transporta­tion facilities, recreation­al centers, and restaurant­s, among others.

The senior citizens also thanked the government for their automatic membership to the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. and social pension given to indigent members.

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