Panay News

North Korea tests new missile engine


WASHINGTON – North Korea has tested a new rocket engine as part of its efforts to build a missile capable of reaching the American mainland, US officials said.

The news comes amid rising tensions between Washington and Pyongyang

ATHENS – Piles of rubbish have been mounting in cities across Greece since the start of the week in a dispute over thousands of refuse collectors’ jobs.

Tourist areas of Athens were among those worst affected. Problems were also reported in the northern city of Thessaloni­ki and the island of Corfu.

Protesters marched on the interior ministry in the centre of Athens as a 24-hour strike took hold. over the North’s nuclear ambitions.

The Trump administra­tion has made the issue one of its top priorities.

Despite i nternation­al condemnati­on, North Korea has increased its missile tests, with the aim of developing

They fear up to 10,000 workers could lose their jobs as their contracts end.

At one point on Thursday, protesters set fire to rubbish outside the interior ministry and threw paint at the building. Riot police fired tear gas to stop the building being stormed, reports said.

For days, members of the municipal workers’ union have blocked refuse lorries from entering the main depots as the dispute escalates, leaving some street pavements an obstacle an interconti­nental nuclear- armed rocket.

The US Defense Intelligen­ce Agency warned last month that North Korea was on an “inevitable” path to achieving this.

US officials speaking anonymousl­y to several news course for pedestrian­s.

Greeks have known bin strikes in the past and try to keep their waste indoors for as long as possible. But a heatwave is on its way and a weekend stroll will be far from idyllic for Athenians and tourists alike.

The temperatur­e in Athens on Thursday was 32C and is expected to climb in the coming days. Authoritie­s have urged residents and businesses not to put out their rubbish.

(BBC) agencies said the latest engine test, on Thursday, could be one stage of an interconti­nental ballistic missile (ICBM) engine that would be able to reach the US.

Due to the secretive nature of all of North Korea’s military activity, it is hard for experts to assess how close the country is to building a reliable ICBM.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday urged China to use more diplomatic pressure on Pyongyang “if they want to prevent further escalation in the region.”


 ?? AFP ?? North Korea hopes its military arsenal will be a deterrent against the US.
AFP North Korea hopes its military arsenal will be a deterrent against the US.
 ?? EPA ?? As the rubbish piles up, authoritie­s in Athens have asked residents not to take their refuse out.
EPA As the rubbish piles up, authoritie­s in Athens have asked residents not to take their refuse out.

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