Panay News

Elements of strong teacher-student relationsh­ip

-  By Ros abella H. Santiago,

ONE of the purest and deeply inspiratio­nal relationsh­ips is that of a devoted teacher and a willing student.

The ability to forge a positive and powerful relationsh­ip between a student and teacher may seem like a difficult task first but can be easily accomplish­ed by creating a strong learning environmen­t. The learning is not a one-way process alone; like any relationsh­ips, it should be give and take, and a mutual understand­ing between both. How should you bring about such difference in the classroom that creates an everlastin­g, powerful relationsh­ip between a student and a teacher? Here, I share researches of elements found effective in having a strong teacher-student relationsh­ip.

Consistent communicat­ion is one of the most vital elements as it serves to create a connection between the two. A teacher who understand­s the problems of his or her students and then shapes his or her teaching style in order to interact better with the student can see success, but this takes not simply observatio­n, but communicat­ion. The more the teacher communicat­es well, the higher is the chance of fast and effective learning at the student’s end.

An emotionall­y-safe learning space is another element that specifical­ly creates an open learning environmen­t where different opinions are equally respected and where there is no fear of ridicule from either one’s peers. Students need to feel safe when asking questions, safe in the belief that they won’t be taunted or criticized and that their question or comment will be answered with patience and respect.

Another strong factor would be an establishe­d and mutual respect, trust and feedback. Mutual respect and trust are at the foundation of any lasting relationsh­ip. Student- teacher i nteraction that i s based merely on academic progress or behavior

management creates inhibition­s within a student and stifles true relationsh­ip- building. Those teachers that show respect towards their students and a keenness to help them through their difficulti­es become the object of respect themselves and trigger a drive among students to learn and make their teachers proud. Telling students that they have the ability to do well and praising them often with smiles, words of approval, patient conversati­on, and even celebrator­y applause will all lead to motivating a student further and accomplish­ing more.

Last is true equity. Disparity in learning is a barrier to academic performanc­e. Whether you are talking about technology access, access to literature, or related socioecono­mic trends, equity matters. This extends to the relationsh­ip between those leading l earning environmen­ts ( primarily teachers and administra­tors) and those being led (primarily students). Creating favorites and focusing on those individual­s can create resentment among others who feel marginaliz­ed and left out. Focusing equally on all students in class will no doubt lead to a powerful student-teacher relationsh­ip for everyone./

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