Panay News

Love in the time of Bacunaua


XXIX. LAST YEAR t os s* hounemwwme­itnehrt,, Dpeaurr, l ctaieneddf­o , ugenordt ld ihfreeurcn­shkea, l fngoognetd­lIosislnat . PSuuhsleta­omnngeetPn­aaismgahya­tan.n,w. ho shared the

h h j essaseelrl­STDLDATTtt­ageatcePui­hhknisrhtu­uhvco umeyve eaahlleemi­cccle aeyopee. eb atoae eocthg slnro rhaodtao es oePdwhddbe­tskc erdota yLh d awetgrygtr­lraoerfael­evuawodies­ewhe*sdehsnpncy­as er, etr frhtoe srodfeiuhe biunwnsofl­tboBtegyra­duhujpaoaa­emedugtksm­tacdberhse uetinfst. ntasfwi a, aasrsstgee­i.totrxiitho­eaxcsrtt, tinlodar eynsefnnpt­l pdItpcwFwB­sooeerrule­e znyln au es mnnle eoc pwbVtoLGds­leheneurre­aniepaugoy cahanbkp lesalesee s. nletuih esoentuhis­v, atoeea ol tposastnma­riei.romecsLrgw­leeortd eieaht tJsaj, iorrueae sneodayi- sdhvzrkrt* fdn eedeeecoyr­Lvsnrasyas­ahlgekygio­n, ttig udeyldahto­hsritsdmi. ttfB.ieCht ecrsus gshrcssekh­h ueot, iarsa ns o awitar. manienoaau­hscdddesss­tttt

t we. rp lswanh agdsh t i. ea ogdg sga abrh zfa iP - ntlhe tit, ei,

g baa rocasme k et. e tM tf hnm L l seh l gLog etns hdl, dr suth cttsDSOHTL­S heBhoehhru­senyak gerekl wta, w-

ia ngh we to o be. ai c snog namsen tu w. lpsm s edo twc h zrm eaa. ne kdt ieh v nri t kt n znnk bM .

ee stmhwhheao­eratTSTSTv­yidemhheoh­hrewmueea’pdese gtw ’ oreohfsnse­oardswrltg­uhpskcethr­eohh.eknrdefe eg! nd nr wsowisa.hnaLaniety­ctie*oswfmsrero­ooiewnmmet­r narsE aedto, nhmeesdtii­olznmc iaz rocsotyoe. e tkenhTedgi­oef,.,

fbma e, dek ,. e l ute iw.( e lto d lw cd be continued)/ PN

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