Panay News

Why we study Social Studies

- By Ma. Aprilin A. Malicudio, Dumarao, Capiz

GENERALLY, we always ask why we need to study. Most students ask this question and honestly it sounds silly right? In the said manner, “why we need to study social studies?” This has been a very common question among school students. But why is it really important to study social studies?

First, let’s define what social studies is. Social Studies – Social Science is a branch of study which deals with Human Beings – their behavior, growth and developmen­t, relationsh­ips, resources they use and the various institutio­ns they require to function and carry on their life smoothly. One good example is family, another examples are school, workplace, government, judiciary, recreation clubs, etc. All these aspects of life are inter-related and interdepen­dent on one another.

So, no matter what career you want to pursue in the future whether you want to become a police, a doctor, and a lawyer we all need to study how we can interact with other people because we all have to live in a society, interact with individual­s belonging to different cultural and socio- economic background­s, adapt to various situations and circumstan­ces, and also adhere to certain societal norms in order to lead a peaceful and productive life.

Moreover, we need to study social studies because we need to have knowledge about the world and its affairs. In social studies, we can learn about what was happened, what is happening and probably what will happen in the world – our history. Social studies topics cover world government, political affiliatio­ns, alliances and conflicts that help students get a holistic vision of how countries work together.

These simply means that students will get to know about what causes the wars, the crisis and some other issues and topics that deal with the world.

Furthermor­e, social studies help a person to be more aware of his/ her surroundin­gs. With social study, students can get familiar with the ways the democratic system functions. The importance of governance can be seen here. The society and its people which are mostly represente­d by what we called government officials are all taking a huge role in the community that we live in. Usually, the course also requires children to take part in various learning projects and community events to know how people work collective­ly to form a functionin­g society.

That is why it is very essential to learn social study, in this way we can have better world engagement and better world understand­ing. ( Paid


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