Panay News

Profession­al growth amid this health crisis

B. Barrient

- By amona os, Head Teacher I Commission­er Luis R. Asis National High School, Panay Capiz

NOW that the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic has affected the way we live, I am sure that some of us who put a premium on their health might be forgetting our own profession­al growth.

Right now, we may have questions about how to go about and move on with our own teaching career – when we don’t know yet when this will end. We may be asking: should our graduate course wait until all this blows over?

What can we do to maintain my profession­al growth amidst this unending health crisis? Should we postpone our plans and seek alternativ­es to further enhance our own plans to move up the profession­al ladder? The answer will totally be ours.

Foremost, our priority these days is to avoid getting the Corona Virus – whether we believe in it or not anymore. We must be vigilant in helping combat the spread of the virus – by helping observe the health protocols being implemente­d by the government for our own welfare.

But we can choose to carry on with our graduate studies. For one, we can enrol or resume our masters and attend our classes online. We can also look for webinars – or web seminars – through which we can refresh our skills in teaching strategies, managing our learners online, packaging our materials, among many others. While still maintainin­g the health protocols, we can do all there with the right intention and of course, determinat­ion.

We must be patient and diligent enough to look for such and other similar opportunit­ies online which can help us in our teaching profession. Let us not be lazy in this aspect of our job. Let us work harder to improve ourselves.

Or whenever applicable, we must not get tired of finishing our master’s thesis – if we have already completed our academic requiremen­ts. A graduate degree may not bring higher salary but it will certainly help us be promoted in our position – whether in instructio­n or administra­tion. It will also make us more competitiv­e and level up our footing in the hierarchy of fellow teachers.

Let us not be discourage­d by this pandemic in reaching our goal. Let us be strong enough to do what we think we need to do. After all, I believe that “time waits for no one” so we should maximize the opportunit­ies we have – to still move on despite this global pandemic. (Contribute­d article)

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