Philippine Daily Inquirer

Cut out scary Halloween costumes, CBCP urges

- By Tina G. Santos

CUT OUT the tricks and scary costumes.

A top Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippine­s (CBCP) official has urged the faithful to recapture the essence of Undas or All Saints’ Day and replace the popular Halloween horror practices.

Instead of wearing scary costumes, going trick-or-treating and playing pranks, Pasig Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, chair of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Social Communicat­ions and Mass Media, urged Catholics, children in particular, to dress like the saints and martyrs of the Church.

“Let’s make the commemorat­ion of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day holy by initiating wholesome activities such as a parade of saints and making it a tradition,” Vergara said in an interview over Church-run Radio Veritas.

Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles, meanwhile, has called on religious leaders in the archdioces­e to start “re-Christiani­zing” Halloween through activities that pay special attention to the lives of the saints.

“Please introduce in our parishes and communitie­s the correct commemorat­ion of the saints and the holy souls during our November celebratio­n of the Church’s triumphs and sufferings,” Arguelles said in a circular.

He expressed concern the originally wholesome observance of Halloween (“All Hallows’ Even”), the evening preceding All Saints’ Day, appeared to have lost its religious character due to various outside influences.

“Unfortunat­ely, secular, consumeris­t and pagan practices had seeped into what was sacred and spiritual in our religious observance­s,” he noted.

Instituted by the 8th century pope, Gregory III, All Saints’ Day—also known as the “Feast of All Martyrs”—is a day to honor the dead the Church deems worth emulating.

Vergara said the faithful should highlight the lives and virtues of the saints and do away with the Western-influenced tradition of scary pranks and bizarre costumes.

Some parishes have been holding a “March of the Saints” with children dressed as saints and parading at the start of the Mass.

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