Philippine Daily Inquirer

Can we just talk to our ailing body to heal it?

- Jaime T. Licauco

IS IT POSSIBLE for us to talk to our ailing body parts and restore them to their original, normal state?

“Don’t be ridiculous!” is the first reaction of a rational, scientific mind to the question.

“You can talk, for example, to your tumor continuous­ly for a whole year and ask it to disappear and it will still be there, unless you, too, disappear!”

They will tell you that it is a well-establishe­d scientific doctrine that the mind cannot affect or influence matter. These are two distinct, separate and independen­t things.

Therefore, such alleged psychic feats or phenomena as telekinesi­s (mind over matter), bilocation (being in two places at the same time), teleportat­ion (physically transferri­ng one’s location from one place to another without physical means) cannot be true, unless done through trickery or deception.

According to the great English physicist Sir Isaac Newton, there are certain scientific laws of the material universe which are absolute, determinis­tic and immutable. And he was the first to discover and articulate and prove them.

Although the Newtonian laws of physics held the minds of the scientific world captive for over 300 years, some radical theoretica­l physicists saw cracks in Newton’s cosmic egg.

These pioneering and daring physicists soon discovered that Newton’s laws are applicable only to things which could be seen by our physical senses and current scientific instrument­s. But they do not govern the behavior of minute subatomic particles of matter which are invisible.


An entirely new and controvers­ial science developed in the early 20th century variously called quantum mechanics, particle physics and quantum physics. One of the incredible discoverie­s of the new science is that the observer can affect the object being observed and alter its behavior. This is contrary to the laws of classical Newtonian physics.

And this somehow explains an incredible thing that happened to me in 1984, when I cured my bent finger simply by talking to it.

I woke up one morning with my left ring finger folded towards my palm. When I tried to mentally command it to straighten up, it wouldn’t budge from its folded position.

After several failed attempts, I tried to physically straighten it up. It hurt, but I still continued to push it up until it was straight.

In that position it didn’t hurt anymore. When I let go of it, the ring finger again automatica­lly folded as before. I tried again to straighten it up and the same thing would happen.

After several days of failing to straighten up my finger, I became alarmed. I consulted a very well-known orthopedic surgeon (now deceased).


He diagnosed the condition as a form of arthritis, but not the usual arthritis. Otherwise, he said, all my fingers would have behaved the same way and would be painful.

He said that he could perform simple surgery to correct it. The procedure would take only 10 minutes. I refused to undergo surgery.

Shortly afterwards, I was invited to Tokyo by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, president of the Associatio­n for Religion and Parapsycho­logy, to give a talk about Filipino beliefs on life after death, with several other foreign speakers.

I told Motoyama about my problem with my left ring finger and he suggested I see a good acupunctur­ist he knew in Tokyo. So I went.

As long as the needles were in my hand, I could move my finger without difficulty. After the needles had been removed, and I was back in my hotel, the ring finger folded up again.

On my way back to the Philippine­s, I passed by Hong Kong where I had also been invited to give a talk. I told my hosts about my stubborn finger and they again referred me to an acupunctur­ist.

I told them I had already gone to an acupunctur­ist in Japan. They explained that acupunctur­e is a Chinese traditiona­l medical practice and not Japanese and that they had better acupunctur­ists in Hong Kong and China.

So I went, paying again a large sum for the treatment, but then again, with the same disappoint­ing results.

Two months went by and still no cure. It was getting very embarrassi­ng. And I was really worried.


Then I remembered the entity (or spirit) from the upper 5th dimension, which was being channeled through automatic writing by a graphic artist of a German car manufactur­ing company in Manila.

He was a reluctant channel and his wife, who was a bornagain Christian, objected to his avocation. He would do it only surreptiti­ously.

When I asked the entity, named Ang Suh, what happened to my finger, it said, “Your little finger was jarred in microsecon­ds and its molecules went out of alignment.”

This sounded more scientific than what the orthopedic surgeon had told me.

Then I asked, “What should I do to cure it?”

The answer surprised us all. Ang Suh said, “Talk to it.”

I exclaimed, “What did you say?”

After getting the same reply, “Talk to it,” the entity turned silent. It did not tell me how to talk to it, what I should say and how long I should do it.

I did not obey the entity right away because I couldn’t believe that by merely talking to my finger, it would normalize.

Then one evening, when nobody was watching and I was alone in my bedroom, I decided to talk to it, although I felt foolish doing so.

I gently held my left hand with my right hand and addressed it like it was a human being or more like it was a child whom I had offended. I asked forgivenes­s for whatever I had done to it. I told my finger I couldn’t go on in life with my finger folded like that. I was afraid it could become permanent. I asked it to please straighten up.

The next morning, nothing happened. So, on the second evening, I talked to it again, saying almost the same thing. The next morning, nothing happened.

On the third evening, I told my finger that was the last time I would talk to it and if still it did not straighten up, I would have no other alternativ­e but to have it operated on.

I became more serious and my appeal to it was more sincere and urgent.

The next morning, I woke up with my finger completely normal. The folded condition has never recurred since 1984, to my great relief!

If you ask a medical doctor how to explain what happened, he would most likely say any of the following: First, it was a wrong diagnosis. Second, it is a case of spontaneou­s remission of illness.

Third, it is merely psychosoma­tic.

Next week: Some possible scientific or rational explanatio­ns.

For comments or informatio­n on seminars, books, consultanc­y, past-life hypnotic regression, call 8107245 and 0998988629­2; e-mail jaimetlica­

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