Philippine Daily Inquirer



Ihave previously voiced out common problems of residents in ungated and unsecured communitie­s located near or in-between highways and informal settlement­s. These problems include stray dogs, petty crimes and burglaries, smoke-belching and roaring tricycles occupying the topsy-turvy road, and nuisance music from nonstop videoke use. These problems continue to exist, and worse, other peace and order problems have cropped up like noisy and unruly street children.

As a senior citizen who needs peace and quiet in my waning years, I am concerned with the improper operation and use of videoke in our neighborho­od. Almost every weekend, noisy and drunk revelers position their videoke in the middle of our cramped street, thus disturbing the tranquilit­y of the whole community. If an affected resident has the nerve to ask the unruly revelers to tone down the volume, they will be in big trouble. More often, with nobody complainin­g, the merrymaker­s exceed the 10 p.m. curfew.

May this letter serve as a wake-up call for the Quezon City government and its satellite barangays to come up with necessary ordinances governing the operation and use of videoke machines in informal settlement­s and residentia­l communitie­s. Better still, restrict the use of videoke inside the house.

As regards other peace and order problems, the concerned law enforcers must strictly enforce without fear or favor the existing laws and ordinances. Then and only then can we make Quezon City the “showplace” of the nation as envisioned by the late President Manuel Luis Quezon.

PRUDENCIO E. MAGPAYO, Project 8, Bahay Toro, QC

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