Philippine Daily Inquirer

Acid test of peace: socioecono­mic reforms


Four topics to attain peace were laid out in “The Hague Declaratio­n” executed by the government of the Republic of the Philippine­s (GRP) and the communist rebels in 1992. Of the four, only the first—human rights and internatio­nal humanitari­an law—has been finished.

As promised last Sunday, I will now take up the second: socioecono­mic reforms. Talks on this topic bogged down after the document on the first—titled “Comprehens­ive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and Internatio­nal Humanitari­an Law”—was signed 20 years ago on March 16, 1998.

Happily, the formal talks on these tough reform proposals may resume on June 28. According to Ateneo Law Dean Sedfrey Candelaria in his recent public lecture as one of the holders of the “Chief Justice Panganiban Chairs on Liberty and Prosperity,” this is the most crucial part of the peace process. To quote him, “A just and lasting peace could be reached if the root causes of the armed conflict could be addressed and eliminated. The Caser [Comprehens­ive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms]... is the acid test.”

The communist proposals to address these root causes were lengthily discussed by Candelaria. In my limited space, let me sum up some of these proposals to show the daunting tasks facing the GRP negotiator­s led by Secretary Jesus Dureza: On agrarian reform and rural industrial­ization. Land suitable for agricultur­e but used as military bases, tourism projects and golf courses should be expropriat­ed. Lease and leaseback arrangemen­ts with foreign corporatio­ns shall be terminated, while plantation­s operated on leased land shall be publicly owned or managed by

corporatio­ns of the farm workers.

The conversion of agricultur­al land devoted to food production shall be prohibited, and policies allowing conversion of agricultur­al lands into industrial estates, urban housing subdivisio­ns, tourist resorts and golf courses shall be suspended, reviewed and, as necessary, reversed.

The government shall amend, suspend or terminate, as applicable, all bilateral investment treaties, and bilateral and regional free trade agreements.

On national industrial­ization. Direct investment­s and other profit-making assets of US, Japanese and other foreign monopoly capitalist­s in vital and strategic industries shall be expropriat­ed and nationaliz­ed. Cartels and commercial operations of big compradors and bureaucrat capitalist­s shall be dismantled and their assets expropriat­ed. The national bourgeoisi­e and smaller private owners of the means of production, including micro, small and medium enterprise­s, shall be given support. The retail industry shall be 100-percent Filipino.

On environmen­t protection. The US must be accountabl­e for the pollution and destructio­n of land, water and other resources, and the environmen­t in the former US military bases. Instead of exported raw, mineral resources shall be processed domestical­ly up to the secondary and tertiary stages of industrial production.

On sectoral rights. Workers shall be guaranteed a national minimum wage indexed to the rising cost of living. The nounion, no-strike policy in special economic zones, export processing zones and other economic enclaves shall be prohibited. Public sector unions shall have the right to strike. All state exactions and fees on Filipino overseas workers should be stopped.

No discrimina­tion against gays and lesbians. Divorce to end unhappy and failed marriages shall be legalized. Free education up to the tertiary and vocational levels and free health services at the primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels are to be provided. On internatio­nal economic relations. Liberaliza­tion, privatizat­ion and deregulati­on policies dictated by dominant capitalist countries and by their multilater­al agencies like the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Developmen­t Bank and World Trade Organizati­on shall be rejected.

Foreign equity shall not exceed 40 percent in any enterprise. VAT and excise taxes on basic goods shall be abolished, while taxes on luxury goods increased. Public foreign debt shall be reexamined to determine which are to be cancelled, frozen, renegotiat­ed or litigated.

———— Comments to chiefjusti­cepanganib­

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