Philippine Daily Inquirer

Pope decries ‘greatest blasphemy’

Pontiff condemns violence in the name of God in historic visit to war-torn Iraq


IRAQ—Pope Francis walked down a narrow alleyway in the holy city of Najav to hold a historic meeting with Iraq’s top Shiite cleric and visited the birthplace of the Prophet Abraham on Saturday to condemn violence in the name of God as “the greatest blasphemy.”

The interrelig­ious events, one in a dusty, built-up city and the other on a desert plain 200 kilometers away, reinforced the main theme of the pope’s risky trip to Iraq—that the country has suffered far too much, and the killing has often been sectarian.

“From this place, where faith was born, from the land of our father Abraham, let us affirm that God is merciful and that the greatest blasphemy is to profane his name by hating our brothers and sisters,” Francis said at the ancient site of Ur where Abraham was born.

With the desert wind blowing his white cassock, Francis, sitting with Muslim, Christian and Yazidi leaders, spoke within sight of the archaeolog­ical dig of the 4,000-year-old city that comprises a pyramid-style ziggurat, a residentia­l complex, temples and palaces.

Hours earlier in Najaf, Francis met Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, a visit that sent a strong signal for interrelig­ious dialogue and coexistenc­e.

The US invasion of 2003 plunged Iraq into years of sectarian conflict. Security has improved since the defeat of Islamic State in 2017, but Iraq continues to be a theater for global and regional score-settling, especially a bitter US-Iran rivalry that has played out on Iraqi soil.

Sistani, 90, is one of the most influentia­l figures in Shiite Islam, both within Iraq and beyond, and their meeting was the first between a pope and such a senior Shiite cleric.

A meeting of faiths

The pope’s visit to Iraq has been intensely blanketed in security and the roads his convoy traveled along on Saturday were closed to other traffic. Pickup trucks mounted with machine guns and even tanks were stationed in some places along the routes.

After the meeting, Sistani called on world religious leaders to hold great powers to account and for wisdom and sense to prevail over war. He added Christians should live like all Iraqis in peace and coexistenc­e.

Although Abraham is considered the father of Christians, Muslims and Jews, no Jewish representa­tive was present at the interrelig­ious event in Ur.

In 1947, a year before Israel’s birth, Iraq’s Jewish community numbered around 150,000. Now their numbers are in single figures.

A local Church official said Jews were contacted and invited but the situation for them was “complicate­d” particular­ly as they have no structured community.

“Hostility, extremism and violence are not born of a religious heart: They are betrayals of religion,” the pope said at Ur. “We believers cannot be silent when terrorism abuses religion; indeed, we are called unambiguou­sly to dispel all misunderst­andings,” he said.

Islamic State militants, who tried to establish a caliphate covering several countries, ravaged northern Iraq from 2014 to 2017, killing Christians as well as Muslims who opposed the insurgents.

Iraq’s Christian community, one of the oldest in the world, has been particular­ly devastated, falling to about 300,000 from about 1.5 million before the US invasion and the brutal Islamist militant violence that followed.

‘A triumph of virtue’

At Ur, Francis praised young Muslims for helping Christians repair their churches “when terrorism invaded the north of this beloved country.”

Rafah Husein Baher, a member of the small, ancient Sabean Mandaean religion, thanked the pope for making the trip despite the many problems in the country, which include a surge in COVID-19 cases and a recent spate of rocket and suicide bomb attacks.

“Your visit means a triumph of virtue, it is a symbol of appreciati­on to Iraqis. Blessed is he who uproots fear from souls.”

Later, in a homily at a Saturday evening service at Baghdad’s Chaldean Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Francis again paid tribute to “those of our brothers and sisters who here too have suffered prejudice and indignitie­s, mistreatme­nt and persecutio­ns for the name of Jesus.”

Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns limited the number of people allowed in the church to about 100, but they included the country’s president, foreign minister and the speaker of the house of parliament, all of whom are Muslim.

The pope, whose visit to Iraq began on Friday, travels on Sunday north to Mosul, a former Islamic State stronghold, where churches and other buildings still bear the scars of conflict.

 ?? —AFP ?? INNOCENTS Iraqi children wave Kurdish flags as they welcome Pope Francis upon his arrival at Arbil airport on Sunday.
—AFP INNOCENTS Iraqi children wave Kurdish flags as they welcome Pope Francis upon his arrival at Arbil airport on Sunday.

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