Tatler Philippines



This profession­al photograph­er, traveller, and environmen­talist captures the timeless beauty of former supermodel Tetta Agustin-Baverey in “Tetta Tête” (p. 64)

What would your last meal be?

Clare chicharon with red egg spread and ice cold Pepsi.

What is your biggest fear?

To see a sibling gasp his last breath and neither I nor the doctors can do anything.

What was the last lie you told?

I am 50 years old.

How would we know that you’re lying?

Because I’ll try really hard not to laugh!

What are the top items on your bucket list?

To watch/shoot/see Florence Welch or the Dave Matthews Band and read at least 80 per cent of Enid Blyton’s or Roald Dahl’s books!

Where is your happy space?

My makeshift wardrobe department where I store my thrifted clothes, costumes, and props that I use for my personal shoots.

Who has had the greatest influence in your life?

No person, really, but definitely my old storybooks.

What’s in your fridge right now?

Leftover cheeses and a variety of hams from the Christmas holidays.

When do you lie and how would we know that you’re lying?

When the truth might hurt, and only if I feel I can get away with it.

What are the top items on your bucket list?

Visit Iceland, Tibet, and Petra.

Where is your happy space?

At home in front of my computer, editing my latest snapshots of foodie places.

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