Sun.Star Baguio

Forget fear


Ssweaty,UCCESS is not attained by breezing through the easygoing times, but rather through a nitty-gritty, arduous process. Mr. Emilio Morales, one of our graduates from Animation NCII and 2D Animation NCIII has recently started working in a Japanese animation studio. The story begins with Morales, spending all his savings from his previous job in Cebu to travel to Baguio and find an opportunit­y at the Cordillera School of Digital Arts, Inc. (CSDA). Making a firm decision to pursue his aspiration­s, Morales booked a one-way trip to a completely new place without any of his friends or family, just a shy thousand miles out of his comfort zone.

Not only that, but Morales has faced another challenge from transition­ing from training with CSDA to working at a Japanese animation studio. He mentions the difference­s between training in a school and work. In CSDA, working is a lot more paced as the trainers are more considerat­e with the deadlines as compared to working at his current position, where there is a higher demand for discipline and precision since the company collaborat­es with other animators, aiming to provide quality content. But at the end of the day, he is able to provide the quality output on or before the given deadline.

With his experience so far, he imparted a few words of advice to those who would want to pursue a career in animation, just make sure you are dedicated to it. Use every resource at your disposal to master your craft. If you want to do something, you might as well be good at it. And with that, most people might be able to relate with being hesitant to pursue their passion because of fear. But risks, such as Mr. Morales’s, must be taken in order to achieve success. Slowly, with one step at a time, each person could get to where they want to be by actively following the process it takes to become successful.

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