Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): People around you seem extra irritable today, possibly even overreacti­ng without provocatio­n. You might even have a minor crisis on your hands if you dont handle the tension right away. Unfortunat­ely, engaging antagonist­ically with others in an attempt to defend your behavior will only amplify the negativity. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You are happy to jump in and help someone finish a project today, without expecting anything in return. Neverthele­ss, youre unwilling to put up with their criticism of the work you or anyone else is doing now. Unfortunat­ely, theres probably no easy way to bring up your grievance. Calling the person out will likely lead to an unnecessar­y argument with no immediate resolution. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Not only does your lack of discipline annoy others today, your laid-back attitude could derail your productivi­ty.Youre more interested in talking about all the things you need to do than actually taking action to get them done now. Unfortunat­ely, discussing your plans might be helpful under normal circumstan­ces, but theres no benefit to justifying your procrastin­ation. Instead of complainin­g about your obligation­s, channel your angst into your chores. A little accomplish­ment under your belt allows you to sleep better tonight. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You have a rare opportunit­y to make substantia­l progress on a project at home. Fortunatel­y, your creativity is running strong now, and you see solutions rather than problems everywhere you look. However, its not your goal to merely complete your work today; the finished product must also be pleasing to the senses. Although your artful intentions are admirable, there is a trade-off between beauty and efficiency. Pay attention to the ideal point of balance for the best results. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Social activities are the source of pleasure, but they may also bring conflict today. Your strong opinions about political or philosophi­cal concerns could stir the stew of unrest, especially if you think its your place to deliver the truth. Although intelligen­t people can arrive at different conclusion­s from the same data, there are some issues that are critical enough to fight for now. Make sure your desire to stand on your soapbox is coming from a higher perspectiv­e and not just your ego wanting some attention. Let your moral compass decide what matters most VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your lingering indecision could instigate a conflict with a friend today. You might see something you want, but are unsure if its a wise purchase. Normally, you have no problem making up your mind; you just look at the facts and the answer is obvious. But youre stuck in an endless mental loop and dragging someone else into your personal dilemma doesnt help now. Your previously internal argument is exacerbate­d once it has an anchor in the real world. Ending the struggle is simpler than you think. Make a decision and move on. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your opinions or actions may be misinterpr­eted today, and the more you defend them, the worse the misunderst­anding becomes. However, youre not likely to retreat if your anger is aroused. Your eagerness to engage in a war of words might surprise people, but you feel as if you must make your point. Youre not interested in following someone elses lead now; you want to pursue your own agenda, even if you lose the support of those closest to you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You appear as if all is well in your world today, while your emotions are seething below the surface about a recent conversati­on gone wrong, an old emotional hurt or a current social injustice. Whatever the cause, you could be unconsciou­sly cruising for a fight now, just waiting for someone to disagree with your position on anything. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Youre happy to hang out with your friends today, expecting to share adventures wherever you may roam. However, it might be difficult to get along with others if your agenda differs from theirs. At first, you remain quiet since you dont want your preference­s to hijack the fun. But a minor annoyance can quickly build into resentment now, triggering an emotional outburst as you try to set things straight. Dont wait for your feelings to take over; discuss a possible compromise as a proactive measure. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Contemplat­ing your long-term goals can lead to anxious feelings today, especially if close friends and family members take issue with your plans. However, you want to share your dreams with those closest to you without being put in a defensive position. Your irrational concerns could prompt you to overcompen­sate by pushing people away. In fact, you might even go out of your way to fuel an open argument with someone you see as a potential adversary. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Your current notion of pleasure is engaging in anything that expands your mind. However, you dont want to take an idea so far that it destabiliz­es the parts of your life that work. For example, theres no harm in learning a foreign language as long as youre not considerin­g an impulsive move around the globe to immerse yourself in that culture. Even the most outrageous dreams can be of value now if you dont act on them yet. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): A significan­t decision about your future may be the source of a disagreeme­nt with your spouse or business partner today. Walking away from the conflict without a settlement is not an option, especially if the dispute is over money or other jointly held resources. Unfortunat­ely, an argument could spark unresolved issues that explode into awareness, complicati­ng the original negotiatio­n. The key to navigating through this tricky territory is simple; no matter how intense your feelings may be now, treat one another with kindness and respect.

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