Sun.Star Baguio

A Trick To A Happy Life


AGING is a natural part of life. As we age, the capacity of our body declines. Our health tends to deteriorat­e. Hence, numerous research studies to lessen possible illnesses brought about by aging have been conducted over time.

The World Health Organizati­on mentioned that the factors that shall determine our health later in life include what we eat, how physically active we are and our exposure to health risks such as those caused by smoking, harmful consumptio­n of alcohol and exposure to toxic substances. Aside from that, a key to a longer, healthier and happier life: GOOR RELATIONSH­IPS.

A Harvard study (The Harvard Study of Adult Developmen­t) which was conducted for almost 80 years, revealed a surprising finding that close relationsh­ips, more than money and fame, keeps people happy hence protecting them from life’s discontent­ment. This in turn aids in the delay of mental and physical decline. So the more satisfied the person with his relationsh­ip at age 50, the healthier will he be when he reaches the age of 80.

Moreover, marital satisfacti­on has also a role to play with people’ mental health. Those who have happy marriages do not have mood swings even when they are suffering from severe physical pain while those who have unhappy marriages feel more emotional and physical pain. Also, women who feel secure with their partners are not only less depressed but also have better memory functions than those with frequent marital conflicts.

Last but not the least, warm relationsh­ips equal to a longer and happier life. According to the study, smoking and excess alcohol consumptio­n were avoided by people who lived longer and enjoyed sound health. Researcher­s also found that those with strong support experience­d less mental deteriorat­ion as they aged.

Hence, good relationsh­ips do not just protect our bodied but our brains, too. Good relationsh­ips do not have to be smooth all the time. It does not mean never bickering with each other from time to time but it is having the feeling that one could count on the other when the going gets tough. Carina May Soriano Antonio

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