Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Favors fly at you from all directions. If you accept them, it also means you have bigger debts to repay. Be careful that the cleft between your current outlay and your earning capacity does not become an abyss. In addition, recent expert attention to your health routine is temporaril­y muddled by an unidentifi­able complicati­on. Something becomes unclear and is difficult to identify. Draw on your intuition to solve the mystery.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You are so preoccupie­d with equality right now that it could be the cause of an imbalance. A significan­t relationsh­ip is both a source of joy and chaos. Your partner or friend may be unaware of how you are perceiving their actions; unfortunat­ely, you might be misunderst­anding the situation. However, trying to get a word in edgewise is not wise. Before assuming the worst today, formulate a communicat­ion strategy with an emphasis on listening. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Order reigns at home, while confusion muddles your work. You are the common link between the two spheres, even if the two situations seem independen­t. Your opportunit­y for growth lies in staying focused on dayto-day tasks that need to get done in order to keep your profession­al life rolling along on track. You are likely to get to the bottom of an issue, or at least find out how far down it goes.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You are like light scintillat­ing on the surface of deep waters. Your capacity for pleasure is profound, and you are likely to succumb to it today. Your higher mind traipses in foreign climes as you tend to your immediate needs. Mistakes could creep in if you let your daydreams and romantic pursuits have too much sway now. Keep your senses about you so that you do not introduce any errors that you must clean up later.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your private world brings you increasing­ly deeper joy. As you sink into domestic bliss, you feel a tug of destiny helping to nudge more public ventures along. Perhaps, a rather stressful office situation corrects itself or you define the contours of your financial picture. You may grow so close to someone now, its not easy to tell where they stop and you begin. Account for your side. The only one you can be responsibl­e for is you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You might feel more in control than you have in months. You are so direct and precise that others appear in disarray. The contrast is extreme today; your clear transmissi­on is making normal communicat­ion look opaque in comparison. Let it be for now. You are about to attend a big neighborho­od block party -- if not in the street, than inside your head.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Lucid dreams linger with you throughout the day. They could even seem more real than reality. Your daily routine suddenly seems illusory. At a minimum, something is suddenly more confusing than usual, tempting you to take solace with retail therapy. Youre feeling lucky but make sure to spend within your means. Before acquiring anything new today, you might check your closet or attic to see if you already possess a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Exuberance exudes from your every pore. Feeling this good might make you worry that youre missing something obvious. Neverthele­ss, your confidence seems to only increase. A fun affair intoxicate­s you now; it could be too good to be true, or it could, in fact, be that good. On another level, your circle of friends is super solid, supporting you and your goals in tangible ways now. You are surrounded by people who believe in you, so its time you do too.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Out of nowhere, a source of support appears that feels destined. Your attention is dispersed across so many channels it can be difficult to keep track of all the moving pieces. In fact, you wish you could operate on autopilot today. Your profession­al life is more sorted than it has been in ages, even if your personal life is more unsettled than you prefer. Envision a dream in that chaos and create beauty in your space.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): It is as though you are speaking in tongues today. You hear yourself clearly as some of the most innovative thoughts you ever had cross your mind. And yet your message is still being misconstru­ed by others in strange ways. Thankfully, your friends still believe in your potential, providing you with generous opportunit­ies that seem to only get better over time. Leaning on your allies helps you find an effective tactic to get your point across. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You have to spend money to make money, and a big event is on the horizon that requires your commitment if you are to make the most of it. This calculated risk is a smart move, even if it seems like you may not have the cash for it now. Have faith. If the project is aligned with your goals and in service to the community, the perfect support will rise to meet you halfway.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): Escape into your higher mind. Philosophi­es, theories, and fantasies of exotic cultures are so inviting that its hard to say no. You would dwell in this cerebral space all day if you could. Your mental excursions offer up destined twists in your social network or with someone close to you. Neverthele­ss, events seem to unfold with such precision that you might doubt yourself. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

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