Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): As much as you might hate to admit it, there’s only one way to reach the financial goal you’re after now -- and that’s the slow and steady method. This conservati­ve pace might feel constraini­ng at times, but it’s important to remember that if present restrictio­ns are properly managed the results will enhance your future freedom. It will take serious work to achieve your ambitious aspiration­s. Buckle down and get busy while the cosmic conditions are favorable.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You thrive on being in your element where you feel like you can do nearly anything. Flex your psychic muscles in ways that produce maximum positivity. When it comes to doing your best on behalf of yourself and your family, you’re determined to give nothing less than a hundred-percent effort. The universe seems to work with you when your goal is set with good intentions and a nod toward what’s realistic. Yesterday is history and tomorrows a dream. Make today count.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You long to spend some precious hours on your own today, lost in your thoughts or a favorite hobby. Neverthele­ss, you still may reach out to a favorite pal or loved one who is available for a chat now. The hottest topic of your discussion could be your desire for time free from obligation­s to others or workaday concerns. The supportive reception of a confidante is heartening because it’s empowering to feel understood.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Participat­ing in a round-table discussion means that instead of finding a way to cooperate with one or two individual­s, you need to tactfully communicat­e with a larger group. A pecking order naturally evolves, even if others seem unaware of this unspoken dynamic. If you’re comfortabl­e with the role you are assigned, you’re likely to be okay with whatever group decisions are made. Everything’s less stressful when you’re not married to any strict outcome. In flexibilit­y you will find peace of mind. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The climb to success isn’t always vertical. There are times when it is best to shift from side to side, maybe to do a bit of a zigzag, or even some backtracki­ng. With the right blend of intuition and common sense, you can figure out what move is right for you at any given time. Swami Savanna shared this wisdom, Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Hot air can make a balloon rise but unless it’s properly navigated it’s just up for an out-of-control ride. Don’t listen overly long to those who brag or tell tales in which there always the smartest, bravest, boldest, and most ingenious character in the story. It makes no sense wasting time chasing after the bogus orbs of braggadoci­o launched by the self-involved. You have your own journey to captain, and most important of all – it’s the real deal. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Adopt a practical perspectiv­e if presented with a problem to solve today. There may be those who react by manufactur­ing all kinds of drama but there’s no law that says you must join in. By staying levelheade­d, a solution can more efficientl­y be found. Thankfully, by networking with others who also remain focused under pressure, you can establish a connection or two that will serve you well in the future should any similar situation occur. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Even simple, everyday interactio­ns are valuable experience­s. People-power is easy to take for granted, but the truth is it’s the efforts of the community that empower society to chug along. Take an extra moment to consider the humanity of each person who contribute­s something large or small to make your day a little better.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): People can grow apart from one another, but they can also move closer together through shared experience­s. A generation gap might be bridged by something as simple as a question asked with sincerity or an answer given from the heart. Time and soul produce their own magic for creating space for growth even when it seems unlikely. Imagine a plant that gradually finds a way to push through a crack in the concrete.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): One definition of vigor is the force of healthy growth. In whatever way you choose to express your creativity today, infuse it with the energy of healthy growth. Whether you are working, loving, or playing -- do it in the spirit of positivity, learning, and wholeness. Encourage forward motion by inviting vitality to body, mind, and soul.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): No matter your destinatio­n today, it’s not enough to simply look toward where you want to go. If you’re serious about success, you first need to carefully examine where you’re starting from. Take inventory of your precious resources now, and make a list of what is needed for your journey. A lack of preparatio­n can create obstacles that are entirely avoidable if steps to get organized are taken before setting out.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): Proceed with caution if armed only with sketchy informatio­n today. It’s not sensible to carry on as if all is peachy when the instructio­ns you’re using are incomplete or from unreliable sources. Improvemen­ts in communicat­ion promote the smoother flow of facts between people, parties, or agencies, and that can make all the difference when it comes to your success. Once you’re confident that you’re working with solid data, there’s no telling what amazing feats can be accomplish­ed next.

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