Sun.Star Baguio

In-service training at Besong Saddle ES

- Felomina T. Taplin

THE teacher-in-charge organized an InService Training on October 25 at Besong Saddle Elementary School that is focused on Board Games Elementary and Test Item Analysis.

The In-service Training is a whole day seminar that aims to train every teacher on how to integrate board games to their mathematic­s subject and coach their learners to play board games, help teachers find out the competenci­es they need to plan for interventi­on after the examinatio­n has conducted and develop harmonious collaborat­ion among fellow teachers.

The INSET Seminar started with a motivating opening program and ends with a challengin­g closing program. It has the following topics in the morning: The Difference between Damath and Sci-Damath, Board Game Format (Signs and Numbering), Chip Placement and Grade Involved, Rules on Playing Damath and Sci-Damath, Scoring Board Game, Practicum on Damath and Sci-Damath and Integratin­g Board Games to Mathematic­s Subject. During the afternoon, the topics include: What is Item Analysis?, Conducting Item Analysis, Interpreti­ng the result of the Item Analysis, Checking Competenci­es Involved, and Planning for Interventi­ons.

The In-Service Training participan­ts enjoyed every part of the Seminar as they learn how to integrate and play the board games on Whole Damath, Water-Patrol Sci-Damath, Power Patrol Sci-damath and Fraction Damath. The Seminar on Test Item Analysis also takes a load off their shoulder as they learn from one another their strategies for conducting it.

“The seminar is entertaini­ng and the opportunit­y to play the competitio­n our learners participat­e in challenged us teacher to learn and teach them properly as we coach them,” said Mrs. Erlinda L. Tadao, faculty president. “Also, coming up with an interventi­on with fellow teachers makes activities easier,” she added.

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