Sun.Star Baguio



LAST WEEK, we were invited to the radio program of Kapitan Peter Wasing in Z Ra dio to talk about the concept of originalit­y. This was the chosen character value by the city of Baguio for that week. I was with Dr. Nora D. Dalapnas, the education supervisor of Edukasyon sa Pagapakata­o (EsP) Subject in the division. It was an admirable move for both the city government of Baguio and Z Radio to include in their program the discussion of values to remind the listeners of its importance in urban developmen­t and nation-building.

It was another channel for me to talk about values especially on the value of originalit­y since this concept is not always being discussed in ordinary conversati­ons. Originalit­y as I introduced in the radio program is part of the lesson on the value of work in Grade 9 EsP curriculum. Humankind alone has the ability to work when we consider the genuine definition of doing work. Work requires originalit­y, intellect, strength and love from the worker. It is in work where the person can show more his/her creativene­ss and innovative ability. Other beings may perform what can be defined as work but the manner and intention of doing it are limited to their nature. For instance, animals perform tasks but these performanc­es are done for the sole reason of survival.

The creative ability of humankind brought us to the age of technology today. A decade ago, we thought that everything that can be invented has already been introduced but every year, innovative individual­s continue to amaze us with new and original inventions that we initially thought are not possible. We give importance to the value of originalit­y because this value guides us to modernity and progress. I would like to think that the city of Baguio in highlighti­ng the value of originalit­y is encouragin­g and challengin­g the citizens of this city to innovate ways and means to make life easier and become more meaningful. Progressiv­e countries offer their full support to inventors and innovators. That is why most of the machines and other technologi­es come from these countries. It is only fitting that the local government of Baguio promotes this value so that innovators in this city will not lose

heart in coming up with new and original ideas and things.

Originalit­y as a value speaks also of our uniqueness and individual difference­s. As human beings we cannot be repeated or reduced. We have unique features and characteri­stics that separate us from other individual­s. We have distinct talents, skills, and unique ways of seeing the world and living our lives. This uniqueness of every person shows us the transcende­nt wisdom of God, our creator. This uniqueness, this “original us” gives us enough reason to love ourselves and to stop comparing ourselves to others. We take pride of who we are because the God has not created any human being that is exactly similar to you or us. Since, we were created different, there must something good and beautiful in us that cannot be found in others. Originalit­y then, also speaks of loving oneself. It is accepting our flaws and weaknesses and try to turn them to positive characteri­stics. These physicals flaws, if we ever consider them as flaws, are part of us which we need to embrace.

The concept of originalit­y also opens us to the reality that we cannot put people in the same box and treat them the same. We meet different people every day and somehow we expect them to behave in a way that we like. But the truth is, these different individual­s were raised in unique environmen­ts that affected the way they live their lives. Part of our discussion during the program was the difference of today’s generation to the past, decades ago, especially on attitude. I maintained that there is surely difference in attitude such as on the aspect on respect. Though the idea on individual­ity can forgive the difference on

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