Sun.Star Baguio

Physical fitness for teachers

- Domay Toribio

THE TEACHERS aside from ensuring that their students will get the education they needed to go to the higher level as they are entrusted by their parents to the school they are into, they also see to it that the children will be healthy as they are by making the learning environmen­t conducive as they should be. They make sure that the pupils do good or better in their academic performanc­e and at the same time maintain a balanced commitment of time in their studies and good physical build-up and maintainin­g a healthy lifestyle.

But teachers are after all are humans just like others where their bodies are not machines moreover they are not robots.

They know how to be tired and sometimes give up because of extrme pressure and fatigue. From the more than eight hours of standing, talking inside the classroom and struggling to explain the subject matter and motivate the pupils to be more enthusiast­ic in learning new things, it is unthinkabl­e that the teachers do not need breaks, to unwinding or rejuvenate theirselve­s and instead still go in with their jobs.

Many of the teachers are somewhat unwillingl­y neglect their physical wellness because of their hectic schedules. In more painful yet honest descriptio­n, they cannot afford to take care of their bodies as they are chained to do their daily routines of being teachers most of the times.

Always, having a dull and tensioned body affects the mental soundness of a person. With all the stress he or she experience everyday from the job and the absence of physical relaxation or fitness activities, teachers are always vulnerable to depression.

Teachers deserve to have a sound body not only because of the services they are giving to the society but also because it is their right as part of the citizenry. They need to have a good program of physical fitness for themselves as they have to develop their selves as healthy as needed to continue their commitment of facilitati­ng the learning process of pupils that will hold them into productive people in the future.

Physically as well as mentally fit teachers are very far more effective than stressed educators as the learning environmen­t in the classroom will be as pleasant to all. us of our God-given gift to create new things, innovate, and invent. We are the only creations capacitate­d to work, see the meaning of work, because of our unique talents and skills. Originalit­y brings us to the concept of accepting and loving ourselves because of our uniqueness. We cannot be reduced and repeated. We celebrate this beauty of uniqueness by praising our Creator and by treating others with respect in acknowledg­ement of their own distinctiv­eness.

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