Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Love, politics, journalism, work and love again


It’s been a year since I started writing for SunStar Cagayan de Oro’s column section. I don’t have an inkling how far Touché has gone or whether it has left a mark—if not an impact—to some people’s lives.

Nonetheles­s, to celebrate the month of love and all forms it may have, let me write an eclectic column about love for this Valentine’s Day issue of SunStar Cagayan de Oro.

This may be my most eclectic write up yet, so please sit with me as we talk about love.


Love is in a name.

Perhaps, our love for the country and its people is also in the nation’s name.

The Spaniards named the Philippine­s after King Philip during the Spanish Colonizati­on to say that our land is the property of Spain and its king.

I’m not going to talk about the logistical hassle should the Philippine­s indeed change its name to Maharlika, but perhaps, claiming a name that is truly ours is also love for the country and its people.

The term ‘maharlika’ had different translatio­ns: ‘nobleman’, ‘freeman’, and ‘warrior’, to name some.

Naming us as such may make the people live the life of freedom. A person of good upbringing who will not—and no longer—bow down to another colonizer. ***

Is young love real?

Does love and maturity go together? Should one reach a certain age or meet certain experience­s to know what love is and how it should be?

I’m already planning to get married at 25 or 26, and people say I seem to be too young to get married.

Some are already 29 and about to hit 30, but have never found the motivation to settle into a serious relationsh­ip.

Some relationsh­ips have already lasted for years and decades, but they are still thinking twice about their current partners.

So, when is the correct time to love? ***

Love is alive even when the pocket is empty. As the classic Eagle’s song says, “Love will keep us alive.”

Some people are forced to swallow their pride and throw away their dreams to pursue money—or survival, even.

Blessed are those who are able to meet both monetary needs and their passion. But which love should you put first: money, survival, or passion?


I have a love and hate relationsh­ip with journalism. But even if it doesn’t pay well, the satisfacti­on of reading your byline overcomes the pain you feel from an empty pocket.

Seeing an informed citizenry is also a reward every journalist aspires. It’s a love story worth writing for.


Love is a choice.

When all the ‘kilig moments’ and the sweetness expires—and it really will—all that will be left is your choice to continue to love him.

Love is a decision to love even if the feeling is gone, even if he changes, even if someone better shows up, and even if things turn for the worst.

“One true love” is only possible with much will because you may fall in love with more than one person. With commitment and decision, you can choose to stick to one person and commit your whole life to him or her.

In the olden times, it was allowable to marry more than one person. In some tribes, even women are allowed to marry more than one husband.

As a monogamous nation now, this is proof that loving a person, and only one person, requires decision.


A personal ‘hugot’ from the entry above: There are plenty of men who are much better than my partner. Some are very good looking, very dashing; some are smart and a real gentleman. Some are wealthy, while some have made a name in their fields. But I will never, ever find a man like Jerryk.

No one will probably understand my quirks, weirdness, and my passions as much as he will.

No one will see my value beyond my makeup, background, and achievemen­ts like he does.

No one will understand my love for cats, dogs, anime, journalism, debate, and writing like as much as him.

I may have been led astray once, but he still chose to love me, probably more than I love him.

Beyond pretty faces and the sparkling achievemen­ts, choose someone who can understand your passions, pains, and interests.

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