Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Cementing Semenya’s niche


FEMALE athletes in athletics recently took a major blow in their fight to retain what God has given them at birth.

In a landmark decision, the sports world’s highest court ruled that female runners with unusually high testostero­ne must take medication to reduce their levels of the male sex hormones.

The verdict’s most famous casualty was Caster Semenya, the 28-year-old South African, whose breakneck speed had given her Olympic gold medals twice in the 800 meters and forced her rivals to question her accomplish­ments.

In response to Semenya’s critics, the IAAF (Internatio­nal Alliance of Athletics Federation) issued new rules on tournament qualificat­ions for female runners, eliciting a fierce objection from Semenya.

Last week, the Court of Arbitratio­n for Sports (CAS) came up with a close 2-1 decision, upholding the IAAF’s ruling on the testostero­ne issue.

Curiously, the CAS recognized the discrimina­tory nature of the IAAF proposal but then, it said “such discrimina­tion is a necessary, reasonable and proportion­ate means of preserving the integrity of female athletics.”

The ruling could affect other sports involving women participan­ts with unusually high levels of testostero­ne that give them advantage in size, speed and power. Females in boxing, swimming, soccer, golf and even tennis might soon follow suit.

Semenya said she would not take the decision sitting down.

“I know that the IAAF’s regulation­s have always targeted me specifical­ly,” she said in a statement. “For a decade, the IAAF has tried to slow me down, but this has actually made me stronger. The decision of the CAS will not hold me back. I will once again rise above and continue to inspire young women and athletes in South Africa and around the world.”

She is due to defend her 800-meter World Championsh­ip title in September in Doha, Qatar. But for her to qualify, she will have to lower her testostero­ne levels either by taking birth control pills or prostate cancer drugs.

Aren’t we punishing Semenya for what God had intended her to be?

Isn’t God’s creation final? Beautiful even?

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