Sun.Star Cebu



The public has spoken—people have chosen their side: either Team Taylor or Team Kim.

But Pretty Little Liars’ Troian Bellisario is concerned if there is really a choice between the two. The actress attended a Cosmopolit­an-led discussion during the Democratic National Convention where the topic, of course, was politics.

Bellisario chose Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. But with Clinton’s formal nomination as the Democrats’ presidenti­al candidate, Bellisario is supporting Clinton—over the Republican nominee Donald Trump.

But speaking of choices, Bellisario was asked about which side she’s on regarding the Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian drama.

“Oh god, I have such an aversion to the Kardashian­s because I literally don’t understand people’s obsession with them and I don’t want to accept them as our closest thing to a royal family. So I guess I would be Team Taylor Swift?” Bellisario hesitated. But then… “However, I’m so appalled by what I consider to be her false feminism. It seems like she’s this person who’s like, ‘Sisterhood!’ and then she does nothing but tear down the women that were once her friends,” said Bellisario.

She could be referring to Katy Perry here. Perry and Swift used to say hi to each other during events, even pose for photos. But then a couple of dancers left Swift’s tour to join Perry’s tour and Swift penned the hit Bad Blood.

Or Bellisario could be talking about Swift’s recent feud with Kardashian. Kardashian’s husband Kanye West had a long-standing feud with Swift after he crashed the young singer’s acceptance speech during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards because he thought Beyonce deserved the award. But the two made up last year during the Grammy awards. Then a few months ago, West released his song Famous where he called Swift a bitch. Swift released a statement saying she didn’t approve the lyrics and even warned West against misogynist­ic messages in songs.

But earlier this month, Kardashian released a video of West and Swift’s conversati­on about Famous. To be fair, West didn’t reveal he was going to call Swift a bitch. But Swift approved the lyrics where West rapped about having sex with Swift.

The pop start called the lyrics “tongue in cheek” and even appreciate­d the heads-

up. Nowhere in the conversati­on did Swift make a warning. So this is why Bellisario is not making a bet on either Kardashian or Swift. “So is it possible to just be, like... this is a two-party system that I don’t want to be a part of? Can I just say that? Can I say that I would choose the Green Party in this?”


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